Ignore this page, it is a work in progress.
Ninja Academy of Pirates, the Secret and Illegal Guild of the English Server in the Game
It is very possible soon we will require all members of this guild to learn the pirate song, I expect it
to be moved here.
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On this date, whatever it is, the members are the Counslors of Hawk"s, DemiFan, the Captain Deathaven, the guys in Hawks of less than Level 10, and three new members.
The Members of Hawks of less than Level 10 are members of Hawks, though they can not see the Guild are members in full standing here, at Level 10, we will be happy when they can enter our Guild again.
If guys less than Level 10 of another Guild should choose to join the illegal Guild, when they become Level 10, they return to the Guild they belong to.
The New Members signing up to the Secret Guild are to join Hawks, when they become Level 10, but that is a Guideline and not a rule. Members of other Guilds joining the Ninja Academy of Pirates do not swear the semi sacred Oath to join NAP upon reaching Level 10.
It is an invisible Guild of players who have learned the " hi " sign and the secret handshake and promised to join Hawk"s Hell Guild when the New and Improved Game will let them. We have members, though we are not actively recruiting for this Guild till Feb. 1, 2014. You can join.
Because our new Guild is completely separate and independent and not bound by any rules or restrictions of The Game, High Level guys can join NAP Guild to help new guys in the Game. If you are in another Guild you can join, if you are in another Guild, you do not have to join Hawk"s Guild. You do have to allow NAP to give your name to new guys in the Game. Your job is to help them with Daily Quests and answer their Questions about the Game. If you do this in return, you learn the " hi " sign and the Secret Handshake.
The First Mate, who volunteers to replace DemiFan as First Mate of NAP, will of course learn the very important song, our anthem, " It's a pirate's life for me", swear a blood oath to help new guys in the Game, learn the "hi" sign, learn the secret handshake and pay a bounty of 500 gold to DemiFan each month for the honor of representing NAP in the world.
The Counselors of NAP are all volunteers who will help new guys in the game.
Ninja Pirates are:
and Reverent.
Possibly failing at most of that, they remain, helpful.
These following rules, are more or less Guidelines, we live by them, or by the word of the Captain.
I. Every man and woman has a vote in affairs of moment; has equal title to the fresh provisions, or strong liquors, at any time seized, and may use them at pleasure, unless a scarcity makes it necessary, for the good of all, to vote a retrenchment.
II. Every man and woman to be called fairly in turn, by list, on board of prizes because, they were on these occasions allowed a shift of clothes: but if they defrauded the company to the value of a dollar in plate, jewels, or money, marooning was their punishment. If the robbery was only betwixt one another, they contented themselves with slitting the guilty, and set him on shore, in an uninhabited place, but somewhere, where he was sure to encounter hardships.
III. No person to game at cards or dice for money.
IV. The lights and candles to be put out at eight o'clock at night: if any of the crew, after that hour still remained inclined for drinking, they were to do it on the open deck.
V. To keep their piece, pistols, and cutlass clean and fit for service.
VI. To desert the ship or their quarters in battle, was punished with death or marooning.
VII. No striking one another on board, but every one of the crew's quarrels to be ended on shore, at sword or pistol.
VIII. The musicians to have rest on the Sabbath Day, but the other six days and nights, none without special favour.
Our motto is a Dual one.
Remember no matter where you go, there you are.
One for all and all for one.
And also in a strange language you may not understand, pay close attention always to these rules.
In Hoc Signo Vinces.
Illegitimi non carborundum.
The main rule for the Captain, First Mate, and each counselror is they help new guys in the Game.
The rules for the members of our guild is that they have fun in the game and ask for help when they need it, which includes when they are givin a Quest which requires of them such products that they can not produceeith the buildings they have. You do not have to join the Forum, if you do, you can post in This and That, especially in "Demi's Upgrade to the Game" and in "Are you new to the Game". In any case, you should go to "Are you new to the Game", a lot of the stuff there is totally useless, like the stuff in this long and misleading document, however a nice set of instructions and hints for the game are there, if you look for them. Please take a look in "Help", DOE has posted some very helpful stuff there.
Signed in Blood by the Captian of the Ninja Academy of Pirates Deathavan
Witnessed in Blood by the First Mate of the Ninja Academy of Pirates DemiFan
Janurary 6, 2014, the illegal guild of the Ninja Academy of Pirates becomes a real guild, sort of.
Everything in the Game takes forever, if nothing else, the game teaches you patience..
(If you do volunteer to take Demi's place as First Mate of NAP, you don't really have to give a blood oath learn a "hi" sign, learn a secret handshake, or pay a bounty of 500 gold to DemiFan each month for the honor of representing NAP.)[/color]