steel w/out foundry

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steel w/out foundry

Postby antyhiggs » Thu 9. May 2013, 21:37


How can one build a foundry, which requires steel, which (ups!) requires foundry to be made... It's a bit of Catch22 situation... F1, please help, got stuck - 10 steel needed ;)


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Re: steel w/out foundry

Postby GYNDE » Thu 9. May 2013, 22:34

:) - The same way we all did... :)

Go to the Market and buy 10 steel


Get steel in the "Server Bonus" login


Get steel when doing raids/dungeons...


Get Rancor9999 to sell you some direct.

It may seem like a catch 22, but it is easily overcome.

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Re: steel w/out foundry

Postby rancor9999 » Thu 9. May 2013, 23:19

Welcome Antyhiggs :D
As my good friend Gynde has already explained there are many ways to get steel, and other resources.
I got mine through the daily login and held on to it until I needed it to build the foundry. Haven gotten "stuck" several times myself I recommend that you read or reread the online help and this forum again. My advice is to not be in such a hurry to sell everything you get right off the bat. As I progress through the game I find that everything is related and connected to everything else somehow.

Holler to me in an email if you still need 10 steel and I will make you some up at a fair price, 2x what it costs me to make. :mrgreen:
Also looks like my lazy imps have failed me again and I need to put some back up on the market. :twisted:
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Re: steel w/out foundry

Postby antyhiggs » Fri 10. May 2013, 08:13

Thanks for help!

I pledge myself to your the ways of the Sith... or whatever dark force that works here ;)
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Re: steel w/out foundry

Postby HenryIII » Sat 11. May 2013, 00:47

antyhiggs wrote:Thanks for help!

I pledge myself to your the ways of the Sith... or whatever dark force that works here ;)

All you need is input from Storm and Uiqua and all the wise men have spoken ;)

Its good to see rancor9999 offering to help :twisted: he want's you to become strong and evil so as he can come and get you :lol:

Oh yeah its the "Evil force" that works here.....
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