new units

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new units

Postby D11M » Sun 7. Apr 2013, 09:23

Ok,i have a couple of questions :
*If for exaple i send the army for a dungeon it takes them 12h if a unit is ready in 7h for example will he still participate in the fight?If they do does the same go for raids,battles and Thunderdome?
*I saw someone said the max epic units may be 12,can i know the number for sure from someone who knows exactly?
*Are we allowed to make and alt account to test different strategies?
*Is there a max times a day you can buy soul?
*i had 1 more question and when i'll remember it i will ask it in here :D

well,that's all for the moment
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Re: new units

Postby st0rm » Sun 7. Apr 2013, 14:35

D11M wrote:Ok,i have a couple of questions :
*If for exaple i send the army for a dungeon it takes them 12h if a unit is ready in 7h for example will he still participate in the fight?If they do does the same go for raids,battles and Thunderdome?
*I saw someone said the max epic units may be 12,can i know the number for sure from someone who knows exactly?
*Are we allowed to make and alt account to test different strategies?
*Is there a max times a day you can buy soul?
*i had 1 more question and when i'll remember it i will ask it in here :D

well,that's all for the moment

1) The stats of your army before sending them on a raid/dungeon/bos fight are taken into account and will detemine the outcome of that fight.
2) I said it was 12, according to a post on the German board. I'll check it out again and hopefully come up with a better anwer.
3) No
4) You can buy souls at any time of the day you wish and as many time a day as you can afford. They can be purhasd using MoonCoins (for which you have to invest real money) or from the Market Place (in case a fellow player want sto sell some souls - you use gold to pay for those).
5) Looking forward to your next question. :)

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Re: new units

Postby D11M » Sun 7. Apr 2013, 23:47

I remembered the last question it was about daily login bonuses.If i don't log for 1 day will i have to get the 5 days,10 days,15 days login bonus chances again or it is counted only the total number?
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Re: new units

Postby Uiqua » Mon 8. Apr 2013, 08:57

Good morning D11M,

st0rm already answered most of your questions. But I have 2 additions :-)

There are also different possibilities to buy souls. If you registrated in DoE via BigPoint you can use all the payment options they offer. If you've registrated via our landingpage and NOT over a gaming portal the options are PayPal and SponsorPay. With SponsorPay you can earn souls for free by participating in the advertisement offers of our partners.

Login Bonus:
If you don't login for 1 day the count is resetted to 0. But you can restore it by uisng some souls.

Have a nice start in the week!

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Re: new units

Postby D11M » Tue 9. Apr 2013, 09:04

Thanks for more details
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Re: new units

Postby Redles » Tue 9. Apr 2013, 23:59

So the limit for epic units is 12 what happens if you already have 11 or 12 epic units and you somehow managed to get all 90 achievements for the Stone Golem and get to level 25 to attain Daughter of Rage.

Does the player have an option to dismiss 1 or 2 of their epic units to make room or do you lose the Stone Golem and Daughter of rage?
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Re: new units

Postby st0rm » Wed 10. Apr 2013, 09:34

Redles wrote:Does the player have an option to dismiss 1 or 2 of their epic units to make room or do you lose the Stone Golem and Daughter of rage?

The epic units have the "Dismiss" button as well, so I assume you can get rid of them as with any other unit.

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Re: new units

Postby Redles » Sat 13. Apr 2013, 03:47

st0rm wrote:
Redles wrote:Does the player have an option to dismiss 1 or 2 of their epic units to make room or do you lose the Stone Golem and Daughter of rage?

The epic units have the "Dismiss" button as well, so I assume you can get rid of them as with any other unit.


I am not seeing a dismiss option for any of my epic units. I see just the regular remove equipment option.
Do you need to have all 12 epic units in order for the dismiss option to become available?
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Re: new units

Postby Uiqua » Sat 13. Apr 2013, 18:31

Hi Redles,

there is no option to dismiss epic units - that would be pretty brutal from us ;-)


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Re: new units

Postby Redles » Sat 13. Apr 2013, 20:32

Thanks for the reply Uiqua.

Last two questions.
Is 12 epic units the most a person can have at one time?
If so, will there be a way to choose/manage which epic units can be sent to battle?

Thanks again.
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