Syonite Ring

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Syonite Ring

Postby w0qj » Wed 30. Jan 2013, 08:16

So after we have finished research for the Syonite Ring, what size building (Large Jeweler Building?) do we use?

Also, how much are the cost and production inputs for this (how much gold, how much ore, etc.)?

Since this is a fairly large investment in gold and research time, would like to know if this is worthwhile before proceeding...

Thanks a lot in advance!
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Re: Syonite Ring

Postby st0rm » Wed 30. Jan 2013, 09:16

To build a Jewelry shop you need the following:

Cost: 50.000 Gold, 2 Impulse laser, 50 Motor, 100 Hydraulic pump, 100 Chip, 150 Batteries, 200 Ball bearing, 250 Gears, 10.000 Ore
Duration: 20 Hours 50 Minutes

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Re: Syonite Ring

Postby Redles » Wed 13. Feb 2013, 01:28

From personal experience, I would not recommend that you build a jeweler just yet.

In order to make a (One) precious stone you would require 500 Ore - 25 Bowl - 10 Healing elixir - 10 Rage potion - 25.000,00 Gold

Which means that you would have to have a level 2 temple, which is not cheap.

If you see the screenshot, I am sure you will all understand why I do not recommend building one just yet.
You can build one if you want, but I find all the work and cost involved in making a ring a difficult pill to swallow.

The cheapest ring is the Syonite and that will run you 130.000,00 in gold alone.
I am sure the price goes higher with each newer researched ring/necklace.
Jeweler screenshot
jeweler.jpg (145.74 KiB) Viewed 14039 times
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Re: Syonite Ring

Postby rancor9999 » Sun 17. Feb 2013, 03:21

I am new so I dont have all the answers. However, if you look at the stats for the Syonite Ring and you can build it for every member of your army I think it is a good investment for you at a later date. Once you have your fortress built up and are making money hand over fist it should not be too much trouble.
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Re: Syonite Ring

Postby w0qj » Tue 23. Apr 2013, 17:10

Wow, many thanks for everyone's very helpful replies!
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Re: Syonite Ring

Postby HenryIII » Tue 23. Apr 2013, 23:11

Hi All - thanks Redles for your wisdom - all good info :o gosh them there rings cost alot to make... will be a while before I will be making them..
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Re: Syonite Ring

Postby GYNDE » Wed 24. Apr 2013, 03:17

I actually wonder, whether or not building one of these Syonite rings is even worth it. They cost an arm and leg, and _really_ add not a lot to one's army man....

Between the research and the actual cost to build one, the increase might be less than .01 percent.
ANd with all that cost, you may want to just upgrade one of your army.

Maybe... IDK

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Re: Syonite Ring

Postby rancor9999 » Wed 24. Apr 2013, 04:49

For arguments sake lets do some quick math.
Each ring gives you +15 attack, +40 defense, +10 hit points.
15,40,10 each x 50 guys = 750 attack, 2000 defense, 500 hitpoints if you can make one for every single unit in your army.
The last army unit I researched and trained was a Shadowrunner, and he costs 43,000 gold to train. I can only imagine how expensive some of the newer army types take to train, probably over 100,000 gold each one to make. With out knowing that it might still be a good investment if you can make a ring for each unit, once initial investments in a jeweler and research have been made. Thanks for the earlier post which tells us a ring costs 130000 gold to make.
To upgrade a single Shadowrunner unit from a basic to level 2 costs:
430.000 Gold, 20 Rusty sword, 10 Healing elixir, 20 Leather belt

Duration: 168 Hours 34 Minutes

This is something I look forward to exploring again in a few months after I get into a position where I make a lot more gold and total production of all items. I am sure some of you guys have already crunched the numbers and came up with your own conclusions. :ugeek:
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Re: Syonite Ring

Postby GYNDE » Wed 24. Apr 2013, 06:18

I was thinking of "upgrading" not as upgrading the army man ( 1 to 2 to 3 stars) but rather just getting higher level warriors with better basic stats... :)

AND - let's not forget the basic research.....

An identifying feature for all those who spend their existence hidden in the shadows. +15 ATK / +40 DEF / +10 HP.

Research this piece of jewelry so that your jeweler can produce it.

Cost: 150.000 Gold
Duration: 102 Hours 46 Minutes 40 Seconds

ANd - THe cost of each ring is at least 170,000 GOLD

Syonite Jeweler cut gem 1.00 59831.6*** 59831.6 170,531.60
Jewelry 1,000.00 11.1 11100
cobalt 1,500.00 11.7 17550
goat 500.00 3.7 1850
bronze mask 25.00 178 4450
fuel 75.00 10 750
gold 75,000.00 1 75000
***- I o not know what a cut gem cost to make, but it is at least 59,000 GOLD ( PLUS the Cost of making a stoneskin potion which must cost at least at least what 5K? so add that to the known quantity of the cut gem and you get an extra 64K - Thusly at the _LEAST_ a Syonite will cost 230,000 GOLD (twohundredthirty thousand).

NOw times that by 50 and you have spent:

Basic Research...... 150,000
rings cost .......... 11,500,000
Building (minimum) 312,000 ( PLUS motors, Hydraulic Pump, and Chip probably in the range of another 300K)
(Jeweller ITEM #needed
impulse laser 2.00
motor 50.00
Hydraulic Pump 100.00
chip 100.00
batteries 150.00
Ball Bearing 200.00
Gears 250.00
ore 10,000.00
gold 50,000.00

We're looking at 12,262,000....
Or about
16349 for each attack point
6131 for each defense point
24,524 for each HP....

Or just to build "one" - 980,000. :)

65,000 for 15 extra attack points
24,500 for 40 extra defense point
98,000 for 50 extra HPs..

Me? it will be a while... :lol:

PS, Did I mention the cost of building an engineer - at least medium to make this too?
about 200,000 )with the small and mediums... )


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Re: Syonite Ring

Postby st0rm » Wed 24. Apr 2013, 07:47

rancor9999 wrote:I can only imagine how expensive some of the newer army types take to train, probably over 100,000 gold each one to make.

The cost of training each army unit is the same with the cost of researching it. The same applies for the duration.
Some of the newly introduced units are insanely expensive, jumping from 150k for the Archangel to 300k for the High Elf without any significant increase in stats. At some point one might give a try to improving the existing units instead of researching new ones.
In my opinion the costs of the new units should be reconsidered. :)

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