Shadow Update IV and Easy Access

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Re: Shadow Update IV and Easy Access

Postby Animalux » Wed 12. Oct 2016, 16:12

I don't think army points even matter. Hard fortresses have been pretty wonky, in the aspect that I have 12k assassination army points, mind you I don't equip these, and my chances on the last 20 fights on hard have been 13 wins - 7 loses.
I have invested quite a bit on seraphim's though, with trap bonus +8.25 %. So that might be a huge factor on my wins. But still, these fortresses defense points should crush my army.
So would be nice to have an explanation what the potato is going on.
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Re: Shadow Update IV and Easy Access

Postby Zarathos » Wed 12. Oct 2016, 17:20

Right now it seems that they don't, after a certain point. I remember starting to dominate in easy fortress fights when I reached 5k total points. After that my results were pretty much stable, sometimes losing to other fortresses no matter their level. The same seems to apply with medium fortresses. Some of my guildmates have a 20k difference in points, yet show the same results in medium fights.

Also, another demonstration of absurdity of the new easy-fight system. This is from my German account. The account has a level 1 fortress, no traps and no a-army units. My chance to win should be somewhere around 0%. Yet look at the results and notice the date when the "success" spree had begun:

You can clearly see the 'before' and the 'after'
ABSURD.png (83.25 KiB) Viewed 14212 times

I look at this and still don't know what to do. I would switch to medium, but my own defensive results with my level 14 fortress and 21% chance of triggering a trap hint me that I might be losing over 50% of fights. My current defensive results are 16 wins to 14 losses after the update. Meaning that most of my attackers lose to me. And frankly, I don't find that good. It gives me too little apart from potential achievement. I would rather see active attackers get rewarded, not passive defenders. But fortress attacks seem to be irrational in general now.
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Re: Shadow Update IV and Easy Access

Postby Zarathos » Mon 17. Oct 2016, 10:32

The so-called 'easy' fights.
EFFING HELL.png (42.9 KiB) Viewed 14189 times

This is what the easy fights have become... Note that I have 23 three-starred units. One of them is a Seraphim that should have reduced enemy chance of traps by 1%, rendering level 1 fortresses almost powerless if not completely. Yet the loss rate is tremendous. All of the losses you see here are to level 1-2 fortresses. This is insane and stupid. Please do something about the newly implemented mechanic. I will be switching to medium fights from now on since the rate on easy and medium fights is almost the same now. I can't imagine the hell new players are going through with this, considering easy is the only realistic option they have.

Both my offensive results and defensive results on alternative accounts with level 1 fortresses prove that the fight system is biased toward level 1 defenders; it is irrational and spoils the efforts of active players and hardens the already difficult process of acquiring elementals. And I believe that many of us would like to know the idea behind this mechanic.

A response would be dearly appreciated...
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Re: Shadow Update IV and Easy Access

Postby Uiqua » Tue 18. Oct 2016, 10:39

Hello everyone,

the formula we use for the fortress fights is basically correct. We just changed one dram. Please go ahead with the feedback of your fortress fights.

Also we have reduced now the count of the mobs in the world event. This is something we have already planned from the start. We just set it up high at the beginning to be sure that you don't finish this phase in a too short period.

We credit glory first when phase 3 of the world event has ended. As soon as the boss is down the glory merchant will be shown but you can't buy there immediately. Because we first want to check if the honor points have been credited to your accounts correctly. After our verification you can instantly buy the items from the glory merchant.

Best regards

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Re: Shadow Update IV and Easy Access

Postby Zarathos » Tue 18. Oct 2016, 10:48

Uiqua wrote:Because we first want to check if the honor points have been credited to your accounts correctly.

*glory points, you mean? =)

Thank you for your response. It's really appreciated, I thought we're abandoned here for a moment. And thanks to developers for tweaking this so quickly. Will test and give feedback on my results.

Yeah, some of us already guessed that the counter might be artificially reduced closer to Thursday. Thanks for managing all this.

After the event, I'll start a topic for feedback in the 'General' thread (if no one beats me to it) for everyone to express their thoughts and ideas. I'm mostly positive about WB event but there are some suggestions I think would improve the event. But that's after Phase III probably.

Thanks again and keep up the good work!
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Re: Shadow Update IV and Easy Access

Postby spawn » Tue 18. Oct 2016, 14:14

Well, I am doing now the hard fights and I am happy with the results (50/50 or even better getting much more elementals), there is not too much difference from medium fights, I think it's worth to try hard fights as soon as possible if you want to get elementals
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Re: Shadow Update IV and Easy Access

Postby Zarathos » Tue 18. Oct 2016, 14:28

I've tried doing hard ones. About 25% chance of victory or below. I'll need a completely different unit configuration and equipment for hard ones. Medium fights had a 50-70% chance of success which was almost the same as easy before this tweak. I'm planning to fight easy ones for now, later on I'll switch to medium. Most probably when I'll build fortress level 20. After that I'll see whether I need/want to go hard and change my units and equipment.

Right now I'm 22 Vanirs and 1 Seraphim. Planning to be 22 Vanirs and 8 Seraphim for medium, with non-HP gear equipped. After that I'll see whether it's worth all the trouble of switching to hard.
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Re: Shadow Update IV and Easy Access

Postby Zarathos » Wed 19. Oct 2016, 10:05

Reporting on the Fortress Fights:

So far the results are similar to the ones before the update – level 1 fortresses have stopped being infernal shredders. Frankly, I haven't had a single loss yet. Could be due to the new Seraphim mechanic as well, that 1 Seraphim I have might be decreasing the chances dramatically now due to direct calculation of chances.

Anyhow, thanks again for the fix!
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Re: Shadow Update IV and Easy Access

Postby DiannaDark » Fri 21. Oct 2016, 15:04

Your Assassin Army will never be strong enough to defeat a fortress. Do the math.

If you assassin Army is Discovered, you lose.

The larger the fortress the more traps there will be.

If you want to always win attack easy fortresses. You will always win more often on Easy and Medium than you do on hard.

If you want a better chance of evading the traps hire all Seraphim and max their Advanced Training. However, if all your warriors in your Assassin Army are Searphim, you don't have the ones that help you gather loot and stuff.

If you want Elementals, you need the Vanir Princess.

Vanir Princess
Due to its closeness to nature they can feel the presence of elemental raw materials.
With Advanced Training their chance of finding Elemtals increasee.

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Re: Shadow Update IV and Easy Access

Postby Animalux » Fri 21. Oct 2016, 19:49

With the last changes to fortress fights, my medium fights have returned back to normal, if not better. Not getting those random streak loses anymore that most of us used to suffer. :)
I'm wining at least 8/10 of my fights if not more, my assassination army is unequipped, but I guess the seraphim trap bonus is a big help.
Hard fortresses are harder now though, was getting 50/50 chances before the changes, which I shouldn't have because my assassination army stats suck.

Also not quite sure, but I noticed something, that as long as you have traps activated, any fortress attacks you win, will count towards the achievement. As some fights before wouldn't count even if you had traps equipped. Might be mistaken on this one, just an observation.
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