by Zarathos » Sun 9. Oct 2016, 22:44
So? I have 19.2k a-army points and yet somehow I lose to level 1 fortresses on EASY. My success rate on easy BEFORE the update was 85-95% on average. Now my success rate on easy is barely 75% if I'm lucky. If you care for elementals and don't care about honour and gold, fine by me. But I choose easy fortress fights for a reason.
And this isn't about personal preferences. I don't understand why such an advantage is given to level 1 fortresses. Such fortresses are mostly inactive, some are alternative accounts of players from different servers and a small percentage of actual newbies.
These are the results from my German server alt-account, defensive fights since the update:
ToxiC (666) Wurst verloren - 09.10.2016
lordbennet (GoE) Wurst gewonnen 1.184 Gold, 105 Punkte, 5 Ehre, 4 Blaupause 09.10.2016
Tanjin (MYST) Wurst verloren - 08.10.2016
Bibnchen (AR) Wurst verloren - 08.10.2016
SAMIEL (IP) Wurst gewonnen 1.151 Gold, 351 Punkte, 9 Ehre, 6 Blaupause 08.10.2016
Belgrim (MYST) Wurst verloren - 07.10.2016
Malkav (DO) Wurst gewonnen 1.422 Gold, 360 Punkte, 9 Ehre, 7 Blaupause, 3 Elementarstaub 07.10.2016
Freyja (MYST) Wurst verloren - 06.10.2016
So tell me, how come my level 1 fortress that has no traps can win 3 fights out of 8 attacks in defense? For pity's sake, I don't even have a-army units there! I shouldn't have any chances to win in defence there! And yet in 8 attacks since the update 3 are victories! Before the update I was lucky (sort of) to have 2 victories in 50 (!!!) fights. And sometimes I simply had none.
This spoils the easy fights for players completely. My average chance in medium fights (and I have just one (1) Seraphim) is 64%. Yet in medium fights I'm battling against fortresses level 8 to 15.
Somehow level 1 fortresses are as dangerous as level 15 fortresses. Wow, that makes a lot of sense /sarcasm
So yeah, I'm glad that things get revised here. Too bad it's revised to be bad, and to defy all logic and common sense.