Shadow Update and Winter Event

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Shadow Update and Winter Event

Postby Uiqua » Mon 14. Dec 2015, 13:51

Hello everyone,

now that the update will be released soon we don’t want you to wait any longer. So we reveal the details ;)

The update will be released this Friday, 18th of December 2015. Because of that the English server will be down from 9.00 – 11.00 o’clock (CET).

As already mentioned, it is the first of several updates that are related thematically and end in a big event. The next update is scheduled for February, where we hope to make it until then.

And here is the content:

1. Mailbox

Here we have made a subdivision in which the player- and system messages are separated. So, important news of other players will be seen.

2. Successes

We have over 40 new achievements implemented, so you won’t be bored in the future. As a further incentive, there is also a new epic unit which will be unlocked when you reach a certain number of successes.

3. New Mech

The Mech receives a further expansion stage called "Atlas". For this purpose, several new types of weapons and extras can be researched and built, which can be solely equipped by "Atlas". We also have redesigned the Mech area in the game, so that the new Mech in all its glory is revealed. The new Mech, and the new weapons are available only for players level at 20!

You definitely need the new Mech later when the other updates are released ;)

4. Maritimers

There are new jackpots implemented! Namely, a new melee weapon, a new Mech gun and a new Mech extra. In addition, you can win here also Alchemist Stones. Keep them in your storage because you will find use for it in the next update!

5. Competitions

Because of agreements between several players, you won’t see anymore the amounts that other players have spent due the competition. Of course you still see your own placement in the current competition.

6. Mechanic / Priests

From now on you can set individually the Mechanic about how much percent to repair and to refuel the Mech. Also morale and healing from your army and assassination army can be adjusted separately.

7. Winter Event

Also this year there will be on this cold season again an event. In addition to elementary, epic units, weapons and armor you can also pelt other players with explosives and snowballs.

8. Christmas Surprise

Each player will receive from us a little Christmas present. But it won’t be revealed yet ;)


The update is now live. The following information must be observed:

- The Alchemist Stone, which can be won at the Maritimers, can first be used in one of the future updates. However, it is definitely worth to pick it up!

- In the competitions a random number is added now with any input to the system, so that agreements are not possible.

- In some new successes that have been added, some of your previous data we couldn't transfer.

We hope you like the update and that it makes you curious about the next one!

Best regards





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Re: Shadow Update and Winter Event

Postby arivald » Mon 14. Dec 2015, 15:03

Looking juicy!

I'm also a little bit dissapointed that there is still no epic units for Assasin's army :/

1. Mailbox - sounds helpful and cool.

2. Awesome, but there's certain problems with battle upgrades achievements so far. The attack/defense upgrades are totally unbalanced. Getting +100 on both of them is possible and i did it, but next steps are totally insane timewise. The costs of single upgrade in comparison to what if offer is also crazy. If they are required for getting second epic unit from sucesses page then no one will get them. Also the achievements that require training unit is simple stupid. It made me recruit and then dismiss basic army units like 200 times for scoring it.

3. New Mech is looking very cool. I'm getting strong positivie resemblances to Battletech universe which is awesome.

4. Martimers are very annoying feature. The RNG Raptor Jezus is not very kind to me recently, so i rather spend my souls on guaranteed effects. But i can understand that game need money making mechanisms.

5. Good change!

6. Don't really use them, but sounds good.

7. Sigh, you really want us to do regular dungeons again instead of heroic one :/ Tickets are cool, but having to downgrade from tier 4 heroic dungeon into normal is huuuuge sacrafice.

8. I'm 99% that it's going to be some cool trophy! :D
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Re: Shadow Update and Winter Event

Postby st0rm » Mon 14. Dec 2015, 15:06

Quick questions: are the assassination army fights / fortress sieges we did so far going to count towards the new achievements?

@Arivald: if my memory serves me well, the previous winter event came with a 30% gold bonus from normal dungeons. It's a pretty good incentive for only a month or less. :)

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Re: Shadow Update and Winter Event

Postby stach » Mon 14. Dec 2015, 17:01

Awesome!!!!!!!!!!! Cant wait!!!!!!!

Competitions - sounds like its going to be a lot harder to get my third place trophy lol

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Re: Shadow Update and Winter Event

Postby Evilbarfbag » Tue 15. Dec 2015, 04:37


Bring it!

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Re: Shadow Update and Winter Event

Postby Orience » Tue 15. Dec 2015, 09:41

st0rm, I should think it wouldn't be that easy and actually quite time-consuming to take into account the battles that already have been done but you never know ^^

arivald, I do agree on the fact that certain achievements remain completely out of reach timewise for most players and should be reviewed, buuuuut considering DoE is a game based on the amount of time you spend on it, I do doubt it will be reviewed ^^"

and concerning the competitions, well it does serve best the top ranked players but the previous system didn't follow the game's spirit tbh. :)
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Re: Shadow Update and Winter Event

Postby D11M » Tue 15. Dec 2015, 12:06

I remember Uiqua stating that the game takes in to consideration stuff we do for future achievments,too lazy to look where he posted it but i'm 90% sure that it will happen since Uiqua mentioned it
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Re: Shadow Update and Winter Event

Postby Animalux » Tue 15. Dec 2015, 20:44

Great work guys. I'm liking the successes and mech bit. Hopefully something to aim for and Atlas is looking totally OP. :)
Any news on a Chapter 4 any time soon? Perhaps with the next updates in February or so.

The competition changes seem alright, but I wonder how it will play out. Could you atleast make it so it tells you what position you're in? That way you have a general idea what place you'll end up to.
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Re: Shadow Update and Winter Event

Postby st0rm » Tue 15. Dec 2015, 20:49

Animalux wrote:Could you atleast make it so it tells you what position you're in? That way you have a general idea what place you'll end up to.

That's the idea. You'll be able so see your rank / all ranks during the competition but not the donated amounts of your competitors.

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Re: Shadow Update and Winter Event

Postby Animalux » Tue 15. Dec 2015, 22:38

Aaah, thanks storm. Totally missed the part where it mentioned the "placement" bit. Tired from work I guess. :)
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