the update is divided into three areas - the legendary units, the guild features and the ticket event.
Legendary Units
We have a total of 4 of them implemented at Days of Evil. You can find them in the army. There is now next to the submenu "New unit train" another menu item called "legendary units".
Each of the four units is unique and to summon them you need each different artifacts, which can be found scattered throughout the game. But more on this below. Each of these special units is equipped with a bonus. Once you have the unit in your army, the bonus is permanently available for you.
Here is an overview of where you can find the various artifacts in the game:
Elemental Fire -> Recycler
Elemental Air -> victory in a PvP fight
Elemental Earth -> in the manufacture of a product in your production
Elemental Water -> in raids
Elemental Dust -> in normal dungeons
Elemental Stone -> in heroic dungeons
Elemental Wood -> in the labyrinth
Elementar Ice -> in the Thunderdome
Elemental Iron -> lottery winning from the Maritimers (needed only for one legendary unit)
For each of these artifacts you have a percentage chance to find them. So you have for example not automatically Elemental Water, if your going on a raid. The percent chances vary from artifact to artifact. We also have this implemented so that new / small players have a chance to get these artifacts from the beginning.
The requirements in the labyrinth we have even adjusted downward, so that everyone can still gather there sufficient elementary wood.
Also, please note that the legendary units are designed as long-term objective and should not be achieved immediately after 3-4 weeks. But for that you will be happy then all the more, if you can call one of them you own

Guild Features
Each guild has now the possibility to unlock certain extras against guild points. These are divided into specific skills that serve the projects of the guild as a whole and in bonuses that bring benefits to each guild member in single player.
They can be found under "Guild -> Base -> Sacrifices".
Thus, a guild membership moves immediately to the fore, as it now also in single player area it can reap the benefits even more.
So, it was now only once from our side. Oh no, not that! Forgot: We have added the Maritimers Lottery 3 pieces of equipment for someone who has been there all and yet buys lots, is not quite as bored.
Ticket Event
From 19th of August up to and including 25th of September an event will be held on Nagoroth.
During this event, drop in normal dungeons in addition to the usual loot even additional tickets. These can be exchanged in a special shop for powerful items and an epic unit. Tickets can also be obtained at the Maritimers Lottery or bought over the market place.
And the ticket merchant has one or the other news in its range, to have it apart, especially the players who are already working on the evocation of their legendary units:
For in his offer includes both elemental fire, and elemental earth. Both are required for the summoning of a legendary unit. Also of course some powerful weapons and armor are included in the offer again.
But the centerpiece of the new range is definitely the bounty hunter Cad Nobis, whose favor you can secure against an equivalent number of tickets. Also, we have donated a new epic unit to the Maritimers, because there you can also win tickets. With a little luck of the draw, your army joins a huge lava guard who, what concerns his combat power, before anything or anyone in this world has to hide.
We wish you much fun with the update and hope to have met your taste!
Kind regards