You've got an idea about making Days of Evil better? Then give it to us!


Postby HeathenStar » Wed 22. Jun 2016, 06:18

I have been wondering for some time now whether it is possible for Our Fine Devs to include a live chat function. Something along the lines of F***b**k Messenger. I would really enjoy my already indulgent time at DoE so much more if I could "Chat Live" with my Fellow Hawks and perhaps even some non-Hawks' I am concerned about abuse issues of course as no one deserves to receive the vitriol of a Troll or the withering contempt some of those on F***b**k feel is OK to share. I myself would perhaps even contribute financially as a means to keep the Chat civil and respectful.

Any other like-minded Despots out there?
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Re: LIVE CHAT idea!

Postby Orience » Wed 22. Jun 2016, 12:21

Hi there,

I already have discuted the idea with Uiqua once and he said Something along the lines of it having been thought of, but nothing about it actually being put into any shape. Might have to be patient about this one !
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Re: LIVE CHAT idea!

Postby HeathenStar » Wed 22. Jun 2016, 14:35

Thanks Lord Evrune, I wonder how we might create some momentum to encourage the devs?
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Re: LIVE CHAT idea!

Postby Orience » Wed 22. Jun 2016, 15:14

No idea about this one, since it's already hard for me to contact him being a moderator... :/
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Re: LIVE CHAT idea!

Postby DiannaDark » Fri 24. Jun 2016, 17:24

It would be cool for Live Chat to be in the Game, not here.

People spend much more time in the Game.


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Re: LIVE CHAT idea!

Postby Orience » Fri 24. Jun 2016, 21:51

I think the base idea was to have it ingame anyways if I'm not mistaken ? ^^

Thank you loads Dianna, I returned the favor :)
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