1)Counseler/Bodyguard/Pit Fighter units
Three new units that join you when you hit a required spot in game.
*Counselor unit upon joining gives you a % production time reduction.He should have his personal line of quests similar to daily quests and upon completing those he will give you a highier % production time reduction.For example he stats with 0.2% time reduction and if you complete his first quest to produce 15k Copper,Steel and Cobalt his bonus increases to 0.3% production bonus.New quests for him are unlocked with each level you get to a max of course.
*Bodyguard unit starts with 1 attack/1 defence/1 Health.He Grows stronger with the quests you complete for him,his quests should be for completing a specific number of raids/dungeons/heroic dungeons,producing weapons and armors and researching new units and buying Elite units for example.
*Pit fighter.His quests are completing a specific number of arena wins/thunderdomes and with each completed quest the arena rewards would increase with 1% for example so you will start earning 1% more gold and honor from PVP stuff you do.
2)Epic units level up and change their appearence after level up
Would be nice if there was a way to level up our Epic units just as we level our regular ones and would be cool if their appearence changed after it as you did with the mech.
3)Army Generals
You can aquire those in new chapter quests,new boss fights,random drop from something or any way the devs would like. You can accumulate many of those but you can have only 1 active at a time or as many as the devs would want(should look similar to the menu where you choose your avatar) there are different generals and each with different effect on fights for example:
* Robin the Bad : an archer that improves all your ranged troops(all your ranged weapons have 10% more attack)
* AntiMerlin : an evil necromancer that improves all your magic troops (all your staffs/scepeters get 10% more HP and 5% more attack)
* Samurai jack brother (all your melee weapons give 5%attack and 7%defence more)
* Solomon (10% more gold from dungeons and 50% more gold from raids)
* Tom the beggar (you get a 10% chance for better loot from your dungeons)
* Dr. Evil (all your researches take 10% less time)
Just an example of what would be fun to implement doesn't have to be same as here but just a hint maybe you like it guys.
4)We have an army now give us a fleet,really i hate when my army comes back home empty handed just cause they couldn't find a bridge to pass the river and i have no epic boat unit to help them pass it.
Fleet should work similar to dungeons/raids but to be aimed for more active play so for example you could send your fleet away once every 15min-30min-1h and they will fight a random encounter which they can win or lose depending on your fleet.Depending on what encounter you got you come home with different loot:
*Slaver ship - gives a couple serfs who join you
*Holy Order ship - gives some elements needed to summon the legendary units
*Kings Galleys - Gives extra gold and precious stones
*Trader ship - gives away a various amount of random resources
*Beast Master ship - a new epic unit or gives a 10% discount to buy an epic unit for 24h
*Army Frigate - gives some weapons/armors and ores.
*Pirate ship - for a price they join your armada so you can take out stronger ships.
*Guild Counselor ship - gives some random amount of eternite/spherical dice
5)Spy Network
Well since i am a more of the scheming type of evil lord i would love an posibility to train some of my serfs in to spies to build my own spy network,you could send your spies on different missions like:
* Spy the troll - let's you take a sneak peak to know what the troll will be buying tommorow and for what prices
* Spy your ranking list - shows activity in your ranking list(rank 26-50 for example) shows achievments,boss fights,quests done in your current ranking list.Good only for competing purposes and watching who is active and how much.
* Spy a player - Shows last log in date and his army power plus points gained since the last day change in game.
* Spy the marketplace - you can choose a wishlist of items and if someone posts one of those on marketplace you get an in game message that Player X posted 10 Precious gems on marketplace for example
* Spy a guild - let's you see a guild buildings and sacrifices done
* Spy a guild army - let's you see a rival guild army stats
* Elements Spy - shows your elements gained(needed for legendary units) gained in last 7 days.Just to have an idea how fast you're getting there
* Spy just spy on everything
6)Vassals Feauture
A player can have max 2-3 vassals and 1 player can not pledge vassalage to more than 1 person. The lord gets for example 5-10% from wood/stone/water/ore produced by their vassals as a tribute(the vassals do not lose anything) and the vassals get 0.5%-1% of their lords gain from selling/dungeons(the lord doesn't lose gold just as in arena battles).
Numbers may change depending on player levels or difference between levels of vassal and his lord.This should be used to help the new players who come on server when the server is opened already for some time so the older players can take new players they like as their vassals to help them grow faster and get in return a small bunch of raw materials, even without the payback of raw materials would be great since it would reduce a little the gap between older and new players.