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Intruder Problems

PostPosted: Wed 30. Jan 2013, 01:24
by Redles

I am having problems equipping and unequipping weapons on my intruder.

Would it have to do with the fact that I am trying to equip two of the same weapon.
I don't that's the problem, thought I would mention that though.

Re: Intruder Problems

PostPosted: Wed 30. Jan 2013, 10:42
by Uiqua
Hi Redles,

have you already marked the euqipped weapon of the mech by clicking on it?

We tested this and fur us it works fine.



Re: Intruder Problems

PostPosted: Wed 30. Jan 2013, 14:49
by Redles
When I hover over the equipped weapon, it gives me a hand icon.
Then I click, double click, drag weapon image and none of those things unequip my weapon.

I also have another of the same weapon (plasma cannon) located under primary weapons.
I click equip and nothing happens.

Re: Intruder Problems

PostPosted: Thu 31. Jan 2013, 04:08
by Redles
I think in order to unequip a weapon you first need to have a replacement weapon under "primary weapons."
Is this right?

Re: Intruder Problems

PostPosted: Thu 31. Jan 2013, 07:51
by st0rm
Redles wrote:I think in order to unequip a weapon you first need to have a replacement weapon under "primary weapons."
Is this right?

It would seem that way.

Re: Intruder Problems

PostPosted: Tue 5. Feb 2013, 11:16
by Uiqua
Hi folks,

yes, that's right. You first need a second weapon to replace the weapon you have actually equipped :-)

