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Battle - Honor Points

PostPosted: Tue 15. Jan 2013, 23:40
So anyone know why sometimes you lose 50 Honor and sometimes 40 honor points?

Seems random...


Re: Battle - Honor Points

PostPosted: Wed 16. Jan 2013, 07:09
by st0rm
According to the online help:

"The battle mechanism works with 3 different scenarios, each applying different weightings to attack strength (ATK), defense strength (DEF) and hit points (HP). You cannot influence which scenario is used."

The randomness in the honor points depends not only on the scenario but also on the overall characteristics of your army and your opponent's army (at least this is what I was able to figure out until now). As it happens to me, sometimes I lose a battle to an opponent (being attacked) and I lose 90 point and when winning against the same opponent (I am the one who attacks) I gain 40 - 50 points.


Re: Battle - Honor Points

PostPosted: Wed 16. Jan 2013, 20:10