How to produce Cobalt?
Thu 3. Jan 2013, 06:51
by w0qj
So how can you produce Cobalt?
Finally built my Foundry, its description says it can produce Cobalt.
But when I press "Commission", there is no Foundry option to produce Cobalt?
Re: How to produce Cobalt?
Thu 3. Jan 2013, 08:41
by st0rm
You need to expand your Foundry from small to middle to produce cobalt.
To do so, go to Production / Expand Buildings and before issuing the command make sure you have no tasks running in the Foundry and that you have the necessary resources:
The following products are needed to expand the building:
35.000 Gold, 22.000 Wood, 95.000 Stones, 150.000 Water, 100 Steel
Duration:: 34 Hours 43 Minutes 20 Seconds
Re: How to produce Cobalt?
Thu 3. Jan 2013, 10:02
by w0qj
Wow, many thanks for your very quick and helpful reply!!