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PostPosted: Fri 23. Nov 2012, 19:24
by st0rm
What is the "Competition" option in the "Fortress" page and how can we use it? I read the online help but I couldn't find any information there?
Is it implemented yet or is it in the plans for the future?


Re: Competition?

PostPosted: Sun 25. Nov 2012, 15:24
by Uiqua
Hi st0rm!

At this time you can't use it. We deactivated this feature for the moment until the are more players online. Then there will be different kind of competitions between all the players.

Just be a little bit more patient :-)



Re: Competition?

PostPosted: Sat 11. May 2013, 13:11
by HenryIII
Thanks for asking the question Storm - was going to ask it again..... :oops:

However - you asked it back in November and we are now 6 months on, so I ask Uiqua what is the trigger point - is it a player number or guild number thing :?

Or maybe just give a teaser of what it will offer us.

I am trying really hard to get my fellow Knighfight guild members over to DoE - however these guys and girls spend all their time in the battle arena and 10 battles a day on DoE is just not enough contact ;)

Re: Competition?

PostPosted: Sat 11. May 2013, 19:05
by Animalux
I remember something while checking the german forums (pro google translator).
I think these competitions involve more on producing certain stuff.

Example one could be producing 1000 fuel or so. 8-)

Will let our wise and evil man Uiqua give a more correct answer.
Hope they start making some competitions for us. Think there's enough playerbase to run one. :twisted:

Re: Competition?

PostPosted: Sat 11. May 2013, 19:19
by rancor9999
He was waiting until there were more of us here before doing competitions if I can remember right from reading the forum 3 months ago. So get your buddies here fast so we can win some more points already. :twisted:

Re: Competition?

PostPosted: Mon 13. May 2013, 08:05
by Uiqua
Hello everyone,

we still wait a little bit longer to have more players in here :)

Like Animalux said these competitions are about producing things over a special period of time.



Re: Competition?

PostPosted: Mon 13. May 2013, 08:17
by HenryIII
:) Thanks for the update - something new to look forward to