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Question to Uiqua

PostPosted: Wed 29. Oct 2014, 09:29
by D11M
I've asked it some while ago somewhere but don't remember or didn't got a response,so here's the question:

Does the Lap Dog base (+300 AS to guild army) and the Throne Room base (+1,000 AS and +1,000 DEF to the guild army) affect the guild territory battles or guild arena fights?If not why not and any chance that the additional units that we can get with guild bases will affect the guild PVP somehow? If none of those affect PVP i don't really see a lot of sense in building those except guild points. :geek:

Re: Question to Uiqua

PostPosted: Wed 29. Oct 2014, 11:04
by st0rm
The answer is: they are taken into account only for portal requirements. There might be a portal level when your Guild army alone is too weak to enter. Besides the Guild points earned for expanding the base, those additional points (ATK and/or DEF) grant you access to higher level portals.
The additional units can not be equipped (stated in the online help) and are not shown in a Guild army page for players who are not part of the said Guild.
