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Heroic Dungeons

PostPosted: Fri 17. Jan 2014, 17:08
by DiannaDark
Heroic Dungeons ?

Re: Heroic Dungeons

PostPosted: Fri 17. Jan 2014, 18:20
by Kagen
To make it clear:



It is under Dungeons

Click there on Hero Dungeons.

BUT: First HD to be entered at lvl 15!
Next with 18, 20 and 22.
There are only 4 so far and only the first seems to be rentable.

Re: Heroic Dungeons

PostPosted: Fri 17. Jan 2014, 18:42
by DiannaDark
I looked for it when my Army was back, I didn't see it.

I will look again in about 10 hours.

I should have noticed it when I hit Level 15, I am at 20 now, I haven't noticed it.

Re: Heroic Dungeons

PostPosted: Fri 17. Jan 2014, 19:34
by Kagen
There is no level restriction to see the hero dungeon list.

So you should be able to see it.

It is visible for any one who can do dungeons.
So, starting with lvl 6 you can "scroll down" the hero list,
although there is not much to scroll down to begin with.

A little list with the general information:

H1: lvl 15 required + one sandrunner (dark green starting with: 94k points of army+ mech)

H2: lvl 18 required + one dragon hunter + one magma lord (dark green starting with: 100k points army + mech)

H3: lvl 20 required + one fairy warrior + one dar elf + one archangel

H4: lvl 22 required + one assassin + one necromancer + one paladin + one wanand

Re: Heroic Dungeons

PostPosted: Fri 17. Jan 2014, 20:56
by Azmeera
As Kagen said, anyone can see them once you can see Dungeons. Click on Actions, then on Dungeons.

Demi said:
Then you see:

Right here it says "normal" "heroic"

Did you mean you could see the words "normal" and "heroic"? If so, that's what you need. Click on the word "heroic." They're little buttons. The default is normal, so the normal dungeons are displayed. If you click on the word heroic, it displays the heroic dungeons. Kagen listed the 10 different army units that are needed for various heroic dungeons. (I've been trying to train one of each as I researched as I went along. GENDY gave me advance warning about the needed units for heroic dungeons so I wouldn't have to dismiss a high level army unit to train a sandrunner when I finally was able to run them. That would suck.)

I just sent my army into a dungeon or I'd post a screenshot for you.