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Possible to sell a rare avatar?

PostPosted: Tue 10. Dec 2013, 20:30
by Azmeera
So my army kindly brought me back a supposedly rare avatar from a raid. I know I'm never going to use that avatar. I don't see any way to sell or create a contract for the non-standard avatars, but I figured I'd ask, just in case.

So... Any chance I can sell or otherwise give the creepy guy with the funny hat to someone else who might want him? I'll stick with my impractically dressed woman with the big sword.


Re: Possible to sell a rare avatar?

PostPosted: Tue 10. Dec 2013, 21:30
by st0rm
Unfortunately none of the avatars can be sold or exchanged to / among players. I "won" some avatars from the Maritimers and still not using them. :) The default ones seem way cooler ... to me.


Re: Possible to sell a rare avatar?

PostPosted: Tue 10. Dec 2013, 21:48
by Azmeera
Aha. I was afraid of that. Thanks for the answer, st0rm!

Re: Possible to sell a rare avatar?

PostPosted: Sat 14. Dec 2013, 15:39
by woepsie
What bare midriff? All i see in Azmeera's profile is the yellow wing thingy. /disappointed