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PostPosted: Tue 29. Oct 2013, 20:01
by DiannaDark

You still don't have any weapons.

You still don't have any extras.

Is this what it will always say on the screen when you look at your mech?

Re: Mech

PostPosted: Wed 30. Oct 2013, 02:55
What screen are you looking at?

Re: Mech

PostPosted: Wed 30. Oct 2013, 03:54
I suppose the main page of the mech will say that if you have no extra mexch weapons.

Re: Mech

PostPosted: Wed 30. Oct 2013, 06:52
by st0rm
If your Mech is equipped with everything you've got and there is nothing else in the storage (mech equipment) then you get that message for each category (weapons, extras). Otherwise, the "spare" equipment will be shown in the appropriate category.
You can equip your mech with up to 2 weapons and 3 extras. Just click on the empty box and then on the desired weapon / extra to equip your steel beast. :)


Re: Mech

PostPosted: Wed 30. Oct 2013, 20:13
by woepsie
Looks like Dianna will get even stronger soon :)

Weapons/extra's are made in the engineer.