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payment page in german

PostPosted: Mon 30. Sep 2013, 08:03
by antyhiggs
When I go to the payment page to buy a souls (4000 is long gone ;) the page displays in german
"30 Seelen Spare 19%! " etc
I guess that "seelen" means souls, but... I would appreciate puting back english version, as my german is sehr schlecht, and I know that for fact, as I have been learning it for 4 years in highschool 100 years ago, and remember how hard it was for me to get promotion ;))

Re: payment page in german

PostPosted: Tue 1. Oct 2013, 14:32
by Uiqua
Hi Antyhiggs,

at first - your german is quite well :-)

Just kidding... this is definitely not wanted from our side. Can you please tell us from which country you play Days of Evil?

As soon as I know this, I can check!



Re: payment page in german

PostPosted: Wed 2. Oct 2013, 04:54
by ionut675

i have the same problem.
in cyprus.

Re: payment page in german

PostPosted: Fri 4. Oct 2013, 17:34
by woepsie
:evil: I speak a little German, so if you just give me your Paypal stuff i'll fix it for you :twisted:

(Disclaimer before i get sued and banned and generally whipped to death: above sentence is not meant seriously)

Re: payment page in german

PostPosted: Fri 4. Oct 2013, 21:35
by antyhiggs
Hello there,

I tried few language-options from BigPoint, it didn't change anything. Not much help here, I'm afraid...



Re: payment page in german

PostPosted: Thu 10. Oct 2013, 08:47
by Uiqua
Hi again,

sorry for the late response - I was pretty ill the last days :cry:

Anty, can you please tell me from which country you play from? Cause this info I have to give to our payment partner.

Thanks and Cheers,


Re: payment page in german

PostPosted: Thu 10. Oct 2013, 14:04
by antyhiggs
Sure thing Uiqua, I would appreciate setting my country for Poland, thank you!

And hope you got better now!


Re: payment page in german

PostPosted: Sat 12. Oct 2013, 02:44
by D11M
Same problem for Moldova,can it be because we all are bigpoint players? I am sure it's not the case but with the last bug i got paranoic lol

Re: payment page in german

PostPosted: Mon 21. Oct 2013, 11:02
by antyhiggs

Any chance for fixing issue?



Re: payment page in german

PostPosted: Fri 25. Oct 2013, 13:42
by Uiqua
Hi everyone,

sorry for the late response! Every change we do has to step through the QM from BigPoint. And you all know what this means...

Those problem shouldn't appear now anymore - please give me feedback if everything works fine now :-)

