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Daily Special - Army Unit

PostPosted: Wed 18. Sep 2013, 01:50
by Redles
I have a few questions concerning the Army units that are part of the Daily Special.

I've maxed out my army at 60. If I purchase any unit(s) will I have to dismiss one of my army units for it to appear in my army? Or will it be added to my army immediately?

If, I purchase and no longer need the unit (dismiss) will it vanish completely or will it give me an option to train another unit of my choice in its place?


Re: Daily Special - Army Unit

PostPosted: Fri 20. Sep 2013, 14:47
by Uiqua
Hello Redles,

the maximum number of units is 60. If you want to buy a unit via the Daily Special and you won't have enough space it will tell you.

If you dismiss a unit you still have the serf and are able to train it again :-)



Re: Daily Special - Army Unit

PostPosted: Fri 20. Sep 2013, 16:12
So, if one is maxed out on one's army, to get the BONUS ARMY GUY, you have to dismiss to 49 -_then_ buy?

Cool.. makes sense

Re: Daily Special - Army Unit

PostPosted: Fri 20. Sep 2013, 21:52
by DiannaDark
If you have a premium Account and buy souls, there is an Elf's Bane Helm and a Gladiator for sell on the Fortress page as a New Offer.

The Gladiator has all the Advanced Training he can have.

Re: Daily Special - Army Unit

PostPosted: Thu 26. Sep 2013, 23:23
by HenryIII
OK brilliant minds - on this thread :P - I was about to ask the same question - makes sense. However it would have been great if it just added to the army - even if there was a premium :D

NO... :cry:

OK back to bribing the Oracle ;)