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New servers & new update

PostPosted: Mon 2. Sep 2013, 20:02
by D11M
Hey Uiqua,it's already september so i thought maybe there are some news when the new servers will launch.And what will the new update be about(at least a small tip before announcement time)? :D

Re: New servers & new update

PostPosted: Mon 2. Sep 2013, 22:34
by WarlockOTC
You can check it on the german forum :) it was released on german server today

still boring without you guys with bigpoint ...

Re: New servers & new update

PostPosted: Tue 3. Sep 2013, 00:49
by D11M
Sure,will try to understand it with google translate :D

Re: New servers & new update

PostPosted: Tue 3. Sep 2013, 03:52
by Redles
Check it out guys, some really good stuff.

Re: New servers & new update

PostPosted: Tue 3. Sep 2013, 18:21
by woepsie
I translated and shortened the German update for my guild blackboard. Might as well post it here too.
The Germans are waaay more advanced than us, so i don't know if the devs will implement it here too. For example, heroic dungeons are too strong for us. But i hope the production-start-update will happen soon

Heroic Dungeon. Drops lots of gold and phat loot. You need special units to enter. Only for very strong players, starting at 80-90k army points.

Epic gear
Phat loot only for Tears of the Sun and Raleshil. Exists in 4 parts: weapon, shield, jewelry, drink. Drops in heroic.

4 more jewelry, and 4 more Mech extra's.

Offer of the day
Buy gear or an army unit for souls. Changes every day.

Honor merchant
New stuff for people with lots of honor.

New epic units. Including Chaemeth (1 max)

New lottery winnings. Chaemeth is out, new imba bird-unit is in (3 max).

In all dungeons (normal and heroic) there is now a chance that you get 1 or 2 souls as loot.

Login Bonus
They pimped it. Among other things, a nice ring and 15 souls can be won now.

Monthly competition
They added a merchant here. But we don't have competitions on this server, it's too small still.

The Bomb! Start 1 production and with 1 click you start 4 more! I love it

Various bugfixes and esthetical stuff.

Re: New servers & new update

PostPosted: Thu 5. Sep 2013, 16:02
by Uiqua
Hi everyone!

As soon as all of the texts are translated we also give you the update. I hope this happens until the end of next week.



Re: New servers & new update

PostPosted: Thu 5. Sep 2013, 18:44
by woepsie
Good news. Thanks!

Re: New servers & new update

PostPosted: Mon 9. Sep 2013, 07:35
by st0rm
woepsie wrote:I translated and shortened the German update for my guild blackboard. Might as well post it here too.
The Germans are waaay more advanced than us, so i don't know if the devs will implement it here too. For example, heroic dungeons are too strong for us. But i hope the production-start-update will happen soon

New epic units. Including Chaemeth (1 max)

New lottery winnings. Chaemeth is out, new imba bird-unit is in (3 max).

Here's an overview of the new epic units (to be found on the Beast Merchant page):

Stats: 250 ATK - 620 DEF - 200 HP
Costs: 7.500.000 Gold
Max: 1

Stats: 400 ATK - 400 DEF -400 HP
Cost: 10.000.000 Gold
Max: 1

Stats: 450 ATK - 950 DEF - 600 HP
Cost: 850 Souls
Max: 3

Stats: 900 ATK - 600 DEF - 250 HP
Cost: 950 Souls
Max: 1

As for the maritimers:

Stats: 950 ATK - 800 DEF - 400 HP
Max: 3

There are also a few more Mech extras to research and build. :)
