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Souls not appearing

PostPosted: Sun 2. Jun 2013, 19:12
by woepsie
Good day,

I bought some souls 2 hours ago, they didn't appear in my game yet. Is it normal that there is a delay?


Re: Souls not appearing

PostPosted: Sun 2. Jun 2013, 21:35
Not really.

Re: Souls not appearing

PostPosted: Mon 3. Jun 2013, 01:24
by st0rm
Did you buy souls or mooncoins?
The souls should appear right away in your account, on the left hand side of the game screen.
For mooncoins, it depends on how you bought them, meaning the method of payment. It shouldn't be any delay when using credit card or paysafe cards.


Re: Souls not appearing

PostPosted: Mon 3. Jun 2013, 11:17
by woepsie
Thank you for the replies.

I bought Souls (not mooncoins) through Paypal 18 hours ago, still no show. The money has been deducted from my Paypal account, and i got an e-mail confirmation, so the Paypal side should be alright.

At the login page i found a tiny "support" link at the bottom of the screen, so i sent a message there, 14 hours ago, no reply or confirmation yet. But it was night in Europe, so maybe they just started the working day.

Is the forum a place to solve these problems or do i rely totally on that small "support" link on login page? Sorry for the bother :)


Re: Souls not appearing

PostPosted: Mon 3. Jun 2013, 11:58
by st0rm
It seems as though you paid for moonCOINs as you can only by souls by converting moonCOINs in the "Soul Dealer" page. I do not know of any other way of getting souls but I might be wrong.
I manged to find some instruction on the MoonID portal but I am guessing you already tried that.
I think you should contact RedMoon for solving your issue.


Re: Souls not appearing

PostPosted: Mon 3. Jun 2013, 13:49
by woepsie
Yes, i clicked on the "Soul Dealer" button ingame, but it never said anything about mooncoins. It says "xx souls for xx dollar"... I never read anything anywhere about mooncoins until i started browsing this forum. Am i being silly or is this big misinformation?

Also, still no reply from the "support" link from the log in page, so i guess i'll try my luck with RedMoon.

Thank you for pointing me to (hopefully) the right direction st0rm!

Re: Souls not appearing

PostPosted: Mon 3. Jun 2013, 13:50
Hmmmm,,,, NOt everyone comes in thru MoodID.

Some come in directly through DoE, and there's at least one other "providers".

SO it is possibe to buy Souls direct, but not for those of us who do use MoonId...

Re: Souls not appearing

PostPosted: Mon 3. Jun 2013, 13:56
by woepsie
Right after i'd written my last post, and was busy registering to RedMoon, i got an email from Media2Art. The problem is solved, and they gave me some extra souls. No harm done :)

And Gynde is right, i come directly through DoE site, no mooncoins for me.

Thanks for the replies. It's appreciated.

Re: Souls not appearing

PostPosted: Tue 4. Jun 2013, 07:43
by Uiqua
Glad it is fixed :-)

Re: Souls not appearing

PostPosted: Tue 4. Jun 2013, 08:13
by st0rm
Good to know the problem was solved. I think we should keep this thread in case the problem occurs again in the future.
