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System offering goods at a less price...

PostPosted: Tue 28. May 2013, 13:52
Interesting... I see on the Market that the "System" is offering

1 Bronze mask jizzaloo (WAT) 500,00 G 500,00 G
14 Bronze mask Shinigami666 (666) 500,00 G 7.000,00 G
1 Bronze mask System 450,00 G 450,00 G
1 Bronze mask Blade1981 (Evwo) 800,00 G 800,00 G

undercutting all the "real" players....

Is this a glitch, or going to become normal?
Or.. is this an item placed by a character who has since deleted their account?
If not, then it seems that this tactic is detrimental to the market....

Re: System offering goods at a less price...

PostPosted: Tue 28. May 2013, 14:02
by st0rm
It might be from someone who deleted their account afterwards. The only goods supplied by the system are turnips and seeds.


Re: System offering goods at a less price...

PostPosted: Tue 28. May 2013, 14:22
by D11M
It's easy there is a new player who has the name System i saw him in battle.

Re: System offering goods at a less price...

PostPosted: Tue 28. May 2013, 14:42
WEll, that seems to be deceptive... Hmmm :)

Re: System offering goods at a less price...

PostPosted: Tue 28. May 2013, 15:12
by Uiqua
Hello everyone,

yes, that was a player which named himself "system". We renamed him now, so that this problem is fixed for the future ;-)



Re: System offering goods at a less price...

PostPosted: Tue 28. May 2013, 22:53
by HenryIII
:lol: thats very sneeky - whats his name now "DoE" :P