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Daily Bonus Logon

PostPosted: Wed 8. May 2013, 00:38
by HenryIII
Just a trivial question - is there any benefit in maintaining you daily logon - i.e. if you get 100 logon without a reset do you get anything special :D ... or is just same same ;)

I love incentives :D - like something SPECIAL to make you logon 100 - then 200 then 300.

Re: Daily Bonus Logon

PostPosted: Wed 8. May 2013, 01:41
We have all wondered that too... :)

Re: Daily Bonus Logon

PostPosted: Wed 8. May 2013, 01:53
by rancor9999
I know that if you do not login for a day your counter gets reset to day 1 and you only get day 1 logins. Then you either have to login in every day again for a month to get all the possible outcomes or spend souls to get your number back.
Don't do it!!! Just login every day like your life depends on it. :twisted:

Now having said that, I think a reward every ???100??? or so days would also be nice. :mrgreen:

Re: Daily Bonus Logon

PostPosted: Thu 9. May 2013, 11:27
by Uiqua
Hello everybody,

well the bonus works as intended. But it isn't said, that we don't change there something in the future ;-)

Have a nice day!


Re: Daily Bonus Logon

PostPosted: Thu 9. May 2013, 12:49
by HenryIII
:? mmm ... so now you are teasing us ... or .. leeding us up the garden path ... or ... giving us a heads up so we don't say you never told us :P , when we miss some fantastic prize at 100 or 250 or 500 :D