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PostPosted: Sun 5. May 2013, 20:15
So where does one get/find a "Diamond" trophy , worth 100000 points..???????

Re: Diamond

PostPosted: Sun 5. May 2013, 21:03
by rancor9999
That is one of the prizes through the Martimers. :D

Re: Diamond

PostPosted: Sun 5. May 2013, 22:00
yeah, just saw that.


I have gotten in the last 5 months, the 5 soul bonus login, twice.
Both times I went to the maritimers:

1 win for 20 fuel, and 1 win for some water....

Looks more like a "Carney-game" or three card monte, or those drop the CLAW and Grab games.....
But it is in the small print that the prizes shown are only the main prizes..... one would then have to assume that there are other, less valued, prizes....

But I suppose if I bought 10 tickets at a time, my "luck" could change...


Re: Diamond

PostPosted: Sun 5. May 2013, 22:34
by Animalux
Agreed that the martimers is pretty a waste. Only bought a ticket once to never more, thought you could only get the prizes shown, but the odds seem to low in your favour for it.

Re: Diamond

PostPosted: Sun 5. May 2013, 22:53
by HenryIII
I have "ONCE" invested in the maritimers - had 20 attempts - that’s 100 souls and its ironic "I sold my soul" and got a couple of good things and a whole lot of expensive fuel, goats etc - not a wise use of souls considering the same investment could get me 700,000 gold.

However I may just be unlucky - looking at some players which have 3 or more diamonds in their trophy cabinet - some are lucky or spends lots on maritimers tickets. :roll:

In a nut shell - the actual game if DoE is a game of skill, planning and strategy - the maritimers is pure LUCK.

Re: Diamond

PostPosted: Sun 5. May 2013, 23:00
by rancor9999
Hmmm, off topic a bit but I have played the Martimers 3 x now, once I got 100 fuel, once I got 100 beer and the last time I got a decent weapon out of it. All in all, 15 souls, could have "won" the same thing using the elite merchant with my honor and souls. I do look at all these other players that have the "Chameth" epic unit and wonder just how much they have spent to get those :?: :?: :?: :mrgreen:

Re: Diamond

PostPosted: Mon 6. May 2013, 02:03
by Redles
HenryIII wrote:I have "ONCE" invested in the maritimers - had 20 attempts - that’s 100 souls and its ironic "I sold my soul" and got a couple of good things and a whole lot of expensive fuel, goats etc - not a wise use of souls considering the same investment could get me 700,000 gold.

However I may just be unlucky - looking at some players which have 3 or more diamonds in their trophy cabinet - some are lucky or spends lots on maritimers tickets. :roll:

In a nut shell - the actual game if DoE is a game of skill, planning and strategy - the maritimers is pure LUCK.

I'm sorry to read your post HenryIII. Your were not lucky.
I was debating on spending 300 souls with the Beast Master to get the Baradyn or spend 300 souls and try to get at least one Chameth.

My results:
1. 250 x Eternite stone
2. 1 x Amulet of the Sorens
3. 200 x Crab cake
4. 125 x Leather
5. 300 x Copper
6. Chaemeth
7. 50 x Jewelry
8. 125 x Leather
9. 2 x Iron hammer
10. 125 x Leather
11. 10.000 x Water
12. 125 x Leather
13. 200 x Crab cake
14. 1 x Healing elixir
15. 2 x Iron hammer
16. Chaemeth
17. 50 x Fire cyclone
18. 30 x Bronze mask
19. 50 x Fire cyclone
20. 300 x Copper
21. 2 x Iron hammer
22. 10 x Spherical die
23. 250 x Eternite stone
24. 125 x Leather
25. 1 x Amulet of the Sorens
26. 2.000 x Cobalt
27. 50 x Fire cyclone
28. 20.000 x Wood
29. 2 x Blackfeather
30. 2 x Iron hammer
31. 300 x Copper
32. 50 x Fire cyclone
33. 2 x Serf
34. 200 x Crab cake
35. 200 x Crab cake
36. 2 x Serf
37. 1 x Ambivalence
38. 200 x Crab cake
39. 1 x Healing elixir
40. Chaemeth

I'm glad I decided to gamble.
I spent a grand total of 200 souls that day. :D
Pure luck no doubt about it.

Re: Diamond

PostPosted: Mon 6. May 2013, 02:10
by HenryIII
:shock: You are lucky lucky lucky - personally I will just have to slog it out for the time being - maybe when they have another 50% deal on Souls I may give it another go. Until then I will keep the souls for premium and emergency gold ;)

I have never been very lucky at gambling (luckily I worked this out at an early stage) so I will save my luck for now and just hope some of my Strategies pay off.

Thanks for the insight however :mrgreen:

P.S. Goats, Goats and more goats - they must have had a boat full - its about all I got :(

Re: Diamond

PostPosted: Mon 6. May 2013, 02:51
But HenryIII, you got a diamond out of the Maritimers... SO it wasn't a total waste... :)

Re: Diamond

PostPosted: Mon 6. May 2013, 08:18
by Uiqua
Hello everyone,

just to bring some light to the Maritimers' lottery:

There is no difference in winning the main prices wether you buy only 1 ticket or e.g. 100 tickets.

Every ticket has the same percentaged chance for the prices. It's only a thing about luck.

Hope that helps you :-)

Have a nice day everyone!
