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PostPosted: Tue 30. Apr 2013, 02:55
by Florence
why don´t they sell souls for real money?

the FAQ is well written, but there is not one word about where/when/ how to buy souls in it

only way to get souls at the moment seem to be thru the roulett in the first login of the day, right????

Re: souls

PostPosted: Tue 30. Apr 2013, 03:34
by rancor9999
I come in through Big Point so it might be different for you but on the far right of the screen, next to online help is a blue fire spark that says Soul Dealer. You can buy souls through there.

Re: souls

PostPosted: Tue 30. Apr 2013, 04:06
If you click on Soul dealer, it will take you directly to the place where you can buy souls...
It icon is inbetween

Shop and Help

Re: souls

PostPosted: Tue 30. Apr 2013, 16:22
by Uiqua
Hi Florence,

as my previous speakers said, just click on the soul dealer icon in the navigation. There you have different options to buy souls :-)

