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PostPosted: Sat 30. Mar 2013, 03:04
by rancor9999

Ok, so my question for the veterans today?
Does anyone know if you lose a battle in the thunderdome does that count as a loss towards the die hard achievement?
Does anyone know if you win a battle in the thunderdome does that count as a win towards the audience favorite achievement?

Re: Thunderdome

PostPosted: Sun 31. Mar 2013, 09:53
by D11M
And if yes,does it count as 5 win/lose or as 1?

Re: Thunderdome

PostPosted: Sun 31. Mar 2013, 13:27
by st0rm
The Thunderdome battles do not count for any achievement ... at least not now. You may earn experience and gold but this is all. It is pretty useful when you have a busy schedule and don't have the time to fight every 6 minutes.
This thing is bound to change with the new update (coming soon) as there will be an achievement/success score/count based on the Thunderdome. :)


Re: Thunderdome

PostPosted: Mon 1. Apr 2013, 13:07
by D11M
Thanks Storm