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New Army possibilities?

PostPosted: Wed 13. Mar 2013, 15:01
In searching for Battle opponents, I am starting to notice that there seems to be army classes not listed in the help.
Names like, Tears of the Sun, Blademaster, and HighElf seem to be cropping up. They are not in the on-line help that I can find.

Are these recently added? Maybe the January upgrade?
Or are these "Soul" purchases?

Just trying to find all the info and compile a better help list.

Re: New Army possibilities?

PostPosted: Wed 13. Mar 2013, 15:10
by st0rm
GYNDE wrote:Names like, Tears of the Sun, Blademaster, and HighElf seem to be cropping up. They are not in the on-line help that I can find.

Are these recently added? Maybe the January upgrade?
Or are these "Soul" purchases?

They are new unit types added in the January pack. As far as I know they are to be researched like any other unit except those available at the Beast Master. I for one haven't been able to get that far ahead with the unit research but I am guessing they are positioned after the Archangel from the online help.


Re: New Army possibilities?

PostPosted: Wed 13. Mar 2013, 15:52
st0rm wrote:
GYNDE wrote:Names like, Tears of the Sun, Blademaster, and HighElf seem to be cropping up. They are not in the on-line help that I can find.

Are these recently added? Maybe the January upgrade?
Or are these "Soul" purchases?

They are new unit types added in the January pack. As far as I know they are to be researched like any other unit except those available at the Beast Master. I for one haven't been able to get that far ahead with the unit research but I am guessing they are positioned after the Archangel from the online help.


That was sorta my thinking....

Re: New Army possibilities?

PostPosted: Thu 14. Mar 2013, 00:23
by Redles
Yes, they can be researched.
After Archangel you can research High Elf.
I'm currently in researching this army unit.

Re: New Army possibilities?

PostPosted: Thu 14. Mar 2013, 01:18
Redles wrote:Yes, they can be researched.
After Archangel you can research High Elf.
I'm currently in researching this army unit.

Braggart.... :)

Yeah, the current onine help stops at Archangel....

WEll cool, something to look forward to after I get done researching Elite.... or what ever I am on now, I lose track,

Re: New Army possibilities?

PostPosted: Thu 14. Mar 2013, 08:39
by rancor9999
I just want to know how you can afford to buy someone more expensive than an archangel? :lol:
My army guys only costs me 30000 each and I still have to wait a week to save up that much gold.

Re: New Army possibilities?

PostPosted: Thu 14. Mar 2013, 10:38
by st0rm
rancor9999 wrote:Redles,
I just want to know how you can afford to buy someone more expensive than an archangel? :lol:

For the time being he is researching it. :) One way is to sell the goods to the traveling merchant, on the market or on the troll market.


Re: New Army possibilities?

PostPosted: Fri 15. Mar 2013, 00:12
by Redles
The troll market is essential. In my opinion it is the only way to truly make any money in this game. Yes, you can make money via the traveling merchant, but the more you have of one item the longer it takes to sell. There are pros and cons with either of these options. It pays to plan ahead, so far it has worked for me.

Re: New Army possibilities?

PostPosted: Fri 15. Mar 2013, 01:40
Redles wrote:The troll market is essential. In my opinion it is the only way to truly make any money in this game. Yes, you can make money via the traveling merchant, but the more you have of one item the longer it takes to sell. There are pros and cons with either of these options. It pays to plan ahead, so far it has worked for me.

FWIW, I findd that to be true also....

Looking as soon as server reset happens, then being able to say, well, I shal sell these, does help.

The ratio for the Big four you can always sell to the TM, is pretty good. wish I could make a profit like that in the RW...
