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Chapter I - Quest 19: A difficult path

PostPosted: Mon 11. Mar 2013, 21:24
by Animalux
Anyone knows how much strength as in attack/defense power does your army need to successfully pass this quest?

Trying to upgrade my army, but could a general idea as to not waste too much gold and precious time on it.

Thanks in advance anyways. :D

Re: Chapter I - Quest 19: A difficult path

PostPosted: Tue 12. Mar 2013, 00:09
I forgot to write down my stats when I did it.

What color is your Oracle's statement?

If I remember right at least 1000 in each catagory

Re: Chapter I - Quest 19: A difficult path

PostPosted: Tue 12. Mar 2013, 02:36
by rancor9999
A simple rule is do not ever do anything in this game unless the oracle says this poses no threat to your army.
By the way, no matter how much gold and time you spend to beat something in this game, it will never be enough for the next quest. :lol:

Re: Chapter I - Quest 19: A difficult path

PostPosted: Tue 12. Mar 2013, 03:25
by Redles
rancor9999 wrote:A simple rule is do not ever do anything in this game unless the oracle says this poses no threat to your army.
By the way, no matter how much gold and time you spend to beat something in this game, it will never be enough for the next quest. :lol:

I couldn't agree more.
Just wait until you get to Chapter 2 - Quest 9
The oracle just barely started displaying yellow text with my army.

Re: Chapter I - Quest 19: A difficult path

PostPosted: Tue 12. Mar 2013, 15:48
by Animalux
Think it was orange or yellow color, something like that. Along the lines of utter defeat. :lol:
That's pretty discouraging haha..hopefully I put my lying serfs into training and that should give me more hope to it. Since I am really close to 1000 as well.

I'm really anxious about closing the first quest though, I know the second will take a long while. xD
Curious if any has finished it up yet.

Re: Chapter I - Quest 19: A difficult path

PostPosted: Tue 12. Mar 2013, 18:27
finished Chapter 1? YES
finished Chapter 2? Ummmmm... not so much... NOw on quest 2 - and need 500K gold.....

I have wondered if someone has finished on the German Server.....

Re: Chapter I - Quest 19: A difficult path

PostPosted: Tue 12. Mar 2013, 18:48
by rancor9999
Same here as Gynde.
Just finished Chapter 1 and started Chapter 2, took over 2 weeks prep time to get army strong enough to go from Chapter 1 quest 19 to be able to beat Chapter 1 quest 20. Now I also need 500k gold. So buy some stuff on the marketplace already. :lol:

Re: Chapter I - Quest 19: A difficult path

PostPosted: Tue 12. Mar 2013, 19:10
Animalux wrote:Think it was orange or yellow color, something like that. Along the lines of utter defeat. :lol:
That's pretty discouraging haha..hopefully I put my lying serfs into training and that should give me more hope to it. Since I am really close to 1000 as well.

I'm really anxious about closing the first quest though, I know the second will take a long while. xD
Curious if any has finished it up yet.

close to 1000 what? serfs? imps? ATK?

Re: Chapter I - Quest 19: A difficult path

PostPosted: Tue 12. Mar 2013, 23:07
by Animalux
Att/Def power of course!
Dismissed some weak soldiers and put the serfs to train better ones..haven't felt this week in the battle arena before! ;;

Re: Chapter I - Quest 19: A difficult path

PostPosted: Wed 13. Mar 2013, 00:10
Animalux wrote:Att/Def power of course!
Dismissed some weak soldiers and put the serfs to train better ones..haven't felt this week in the battle arena before! ;;

And what about HP? :)

that is important too. If "they" can score 500 against you and you only have 499....

A good way to test your DEF is to notice when your army returns from a raid, how many HP do you need to restore?