Missing parts in Online Help

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Missing parts in Online Help

Postby Kagen » Sat 22. Feb 2014, 19:58

The Online Helps should be containing the same information in every language.

In the (English) Online Help, when you go to Buildings and then Army equipment and scroll down to armory, you will see that there are information missing:

In the large armory can be produced which weapons?
After large there are only the weapons from little and middle armory listed, so the following are missing:

Ranged combat:

(Feuersbrunst, Saussefang, Frostmacher, Engelszorn)
Blazebow, Sawbow, Frostbringer, Angelwrath


(Machloryn, Lanze der Monde, Weltenwandler, Zepter der Verwesung)
Machloryn, Moon Lance, Worldwarper, Scepter of Rot

Melee weapons:

(Leiser Hauch, Feuerstern, Der Richter, Abbitte)
Quiet Breeze, Firestar, The Judge, Apology

Then there are weapons missing in both Online Helps:

Ranged Combat:

(Shandrian, Draccusfänger)
Shandrian, Draccus Catcher


(Blendholz, Blutsonne)
Staff of Blinding, Blood Sun

Melee weapons:

(Entaxt, Hohenlied)
Ent axe, Canticle

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Re: Missing parts in Online Help

Postby Uiqua » Mon 3. Mar 2014, 10:44

Hi Kagen,

thank you very much for this information!

We edited those lists on both online helps, so the information is complete again :-)

Have a nice day!


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Re: Missing parts in Online Help

Postby Kagen » Mon 3. Mar 2014, 12:40

Thanks a lot :)

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Re: Missing parts in Online Help

Postby Kagen » Wed 5. Mar 2014, 17:15

And here is the rest that‘s missing on the page listing the equipment for army:

Missing in EN:

large Jeweler:

(Phalanxknoten, Serolakring, Lichtbringer, Energiewand)
Phalanx Knot, Serolak Ring, Lightbringer, Wall of Energy

large Armorsmith:

(Theserakthelm, Helm des Majors, Elfenfang, Silberstreif)
Theseract Helm, Helm of the Majors, Elfsbane, Silverstreak

(Schutz der Stollen, Ehrerbieter, Schimmerwand, Elegie der Wildnis)
Studded Shield, Targas of Honor, Shining Shield, Elegy of the Wilderness

Missing in both EN and GER:

large Armorsmith:

(Thurgushelm, Palantier)
Thurgus Helm, Palantier

(Chimärenpanzer, Syphons Stolz)
Chimera Armor, Syphon‘s Pride

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Re: Missing parts in Online Help

Postby GYNDE » Wed 5. Mar 2014, 18:01

And Army units... In English it only goes up to Archangel.....

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