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Competition Adveritzing

PostPosted: Thu 1. May 2014, 19:30
by DiannaDark
Finally we have a Competition.

The prizes can be traded for lots at the Competition Merchant.

Re: Competiton

PostPosted: Thu 1. May 2014, 19:44
by Merciless
As an honorable gentleman, I believe ladies should always come first!

:mrgreen: ;) :o

Re: Competiton

PostPosted: Fri 2. May 2014, 00:35
by DiannaDark
Merciless, thank you so much.

I am hoping to get a Gold Coin.

I hope you are enjoying the Game and having a Great Week.


Re: Competition Adveritzing

PostPosted: Thu 8. May 2014, 09:41
by Kagen

We had an intern talk and have come to the conclusion that the gold coin will be available at future events for tickets. ... 0&start=30

This settles it :)

Re: Competition Adveritzing

PostPosted: Thu 8. May 2014, 11:06
by st0rm
Thanks for keeping us up to date. :)