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Weapon and Armor Price List

PostPosted: Fri 17. Jan 2014, 21:54
by DiannaDark
I am told there is a list of production cost for Weapons and armors on the German Server.

It would be nice if someone would translate that and post it here.


Re: Weapon and Armor Price List

PostPosted: Fri 17. Jan 2014, 22:20
There is already one on this forum

You have even commented on that thread..

Re: Weapon and Armor Price List

PostPosted: Fri 17. Jan 2014, 22:32
by DiannaDark
Thank you so much, it was nice of someone to post this.



Re: Weapon and Armor Price List

PostPosted: Sat 18. Jan 2014, 15:03
by ionut675

the idea is you make the weapons/armors for equipment of your army.
If you want to sell them on the market it will take a very long time to find buyers for the advanced weapons/armor (more than 200 points (atk+def+hp).So its not worth producing them for sale .
For details on what time is need you can mesage in game to antyhiggs.he have almost all the time weapons and armors for sale.I buyed from him plso ,but now im focusing on changeng my units and creating miself high ends weapons and armors