No chapter 3 yet.
Your units charge toward the old man! They quickly find that he seems to have a personal force field similar to the one around the mages' tower ? it's impossible to damage him physically. You distribute your ranged and melee fighters to protect your magical units so that they can try their luck. The arch-mage hadn't calculated with the vehemence of this attack. With an agonized look on his face, the old man collapses to the floor. A feeling of triumph streams through your entire body. In a state of euphoria you have him bound in chains and brought before you. Although you apply your entire repertoire of torture techniques on him the arch-mage stubbornly remains quiet to your questions. Shortly before his demise he finally begins to speak. "You are unaware of the role that you are playing in this story." You smite him ragefully across the face for this vague insinuation. With a groan the old many writhes on the ground. "You don't require any information from me. Your fate will come looking for you on its own, and it'll find you in the end." And then the body of the old man falls lifelessly quiet. In the midst of this surreal scene you display stunned silence. You came here to find answers. But now you set off on the journey home with more questions than ever swirling in your head.
End of chapter 2