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translation from update on german server

PostPosted: Fri 4. Oct 2013, 17:53
by woepsie
On the German server there was a balancing update, with quite a few changes. As with last update, i translated it for my guildies, and post it here too. I have no idea when this will be implemented, but again it looks cool... If you have additional data, feel free to post!

2 new helmets, 2 new shields, 2 wands, 2 melee weapons, 2 ranged weapons.

Mech Extra's
Production costs are reduced.

Droprate of souls in dungeons is doubled.

Heroic Dungeons
The needed army strength will be reduced.


The "total sellable goods pool" is increased to almost 70. At player level 10, 15, and 20 it will be possible to sell 4 more products.
The prices for all products will also be changed. Even though the prices are variable you will always make a profit when selling. Also there will be no more double products.
(Leather is 11g today, down from 14, but remember: variable prices, maybe it can also be over 14g)

Travelling Merchant
The selling times are halved, level dependant.
(I think this means that in stead of 1% per level you get 2% now though)


The ATK- and DEF-researched are more expensive, but also shorter. Max research time is 48 hours.


Production per day is raised from 3k to 30k per day.
(I don't think the precious stone droprate has changed)


A guild can only occupy max 3 territories at the same time. The guild logo will be displayed in the overview screen.
(Bad news for the Watchmen, grats to the other guilds)


You can win only 1 epic unit of each kind.
(grats Bigpoint ex-hostages with your 3 Magmawings, you get an unexpected extra bonus!)

Soul Action

A "+50% bonus on buying souls" event (for about a week)


When you click on the DoE-logo, you will go to the fortress.
The other languages are also so far, that it soon will be possible in the future to hold some event once per month.

There will be no new units this year, so we can equip our Tears and Raleshils with good stuff.
(the year only last 3 more months though, so maybe they mean 12 months :p )

Re: translation from update on german server

PostPosted: Tue 8. Oct 2013, 07:35
by st0rm
Your work is much appreciated. It seems as though we always have something to look forward to. :)


Re: translation from update on german server

PostPosted: Thu 10. Oct 2013, 08:45
by Uiqua
Hi everyone,

as soon as we get the translated texts we also update the english version of DoE. I think this will be next week :-)



Re: translation from update on german server

PostPosted: Thu 10. Oct 2013, 12:00
by D11M
nice,thanks for leting us know Uiqua :D

Re: translation from update on german server

PostPosted: Mon 14. Oct 2013, 18:31
by woepsie
Awesome, i can't wait to fire up my goldmines :D

Thanks for the heads up Uiqua!