Different weapons.

General discussions about Days of Evil.

Different weapons.

Postby rancor9999 » Sun 3. Mar 2013, 21:35

Ok my question of the day for the veteran players.
Does it really make any difference what types of weapons you equip your army units with?
Some of the army types are supposed to be archers, some fighters and some magicians.
Is combat simply a calculation of attack vs defense strength or are there combat rounds?
For example, some games have magic then ranged then melee combat turns.
I am now starting to get stuff ready to make my own weapons and armor for my army guys and very curious as to how this all works.
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Joined: Sun 3. Feb 2013, 21:53

Re: Different weapons.

Postby st0rm » Sun 3. Mar 2013, 21:50

rancor9999 wrote:Does it really make any difference what types of weapons you equip your army units with?

So far, it doesn't. The higher the weapon's / armour's stats, the better. :)
From the online help: "The battle mechanism works with 3 different scenarios, each applying different weightings to attack strength (ATK), defense strength (DEF) and hit points (HP). You cannot influence which scenario is used."

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