General discussions about Days of Evil.


Postby HenryIII » Sat 3. Aug 2013, 08:11

Hi All..... Have not been on the forum for a while, but have been working hard on building my army, buildings etc.

I think we (the game in general) needs to offer newbies (outside the game) a really good reason / incentive to play - its a great game and credit goes to the developers ;) - but we need another 50 -100 active players. :D

I suggest a free month of Premium play for all new members :o and 10 souls :shock: - actually all players because the newbies need a little excitement as well.

Come on lets do it - I will go and try to muster up some new players from other RPG games - really its win win for all.

What’s the worse that could happen 100 try 50 give up and 2 or 3 end up becoming a Storm or Redles ;)
(P.S. you are all great if you read this) :P
Posts: 88
Joined: Sat 13. Apr 2013, 12:07


Postby D11M » Sat 3. Aug 2013, 08:31

Ok,will try to promote the game in the other games i play hope we get a bunch of new players around.For Uiqua maybe you should make a reward for players who invite others through their banner?The only one i know is 1 click ~ 250 gold.Maybe we should make a better refferal system so people will get interested in inviting new players?

Something like this for example:

A person registers through your banner/link - you get 5 soul + 10k gold
the refferal reaches 500k points - you get 10 soul + 30k
the refferal reaches 1mil points - you get 10 soul + 50 k
the refferal reaches 10mil points - you get 50 soul!

This way it will be a great way to get 75 soul for a player who is not investing money in to the game,so he still can get some soul by advertising your product and bringing up a bigger player base and possible buyers.I'm pretty sure if a player gets to 10 mil points he will probably stay here for a lot of time so it's good to reward players that brought new really active members.
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Joined: Tue 26. Mar 2013, 16:21
Location: Moldova

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