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Update released

PostPosted: Tue 9. Dec 2014, 11:50
by Uiqua
Hi everyone,

now we finished uploading the patch on the EN server and here are the details concerning the patch:

Daily offer
New items have been implemented. The previously offered items are available for cheaper prices. The prices of the units remain the same.

The packages were completely revised concerning their content, since they weren‘t up to date anymore. Now they are more attractive.

Weapons and armors
The values of the two last items of each category were revised upwards, so they can better compete with the items from the maritimers.

Since the craftable extras are clearly inferior to the ones from the maritimers, two new extras were implemented. Those have values comparable to the extras from the maritimers and can be produced in a large temple.

Guild portals
The loot was adjusted in two points. On one hand, more items that are needed to construct the demon shrine will drop, on the other hand there were new items added to the normal loot.

Priest, Mechanic
The mechanic repairs and fuels your mech after every combat to 100%, as long as enough gold and fuel are available.
The priestess does the same for your army‘s moral and health as long as enough gold and dried fish are available.
Both features are available in the shop for 5 souls per month.

Guild inventory
The mousover now shows the information of the item. In addition the guild leader and counselors now have the option to send contracts to any player (not just guild members), to recycle items and place offers at the marketplace. No fee to pay.

Guild shop
The packages remain like before with the adjustment that they now contain 5 times as much as before.

Revised downwards so that every player can visit the labyrinth more often.

New epic unit „Lord Ianor“. Can be won once. The Magma Wing will remain at the maritimers and in addition will be available at the coming winter event.

Hall of Fame
In the Hall of Fame each guild is listed which already has been able to build the demon shrine.

We hope that you approve of the improvements and wish you much fun :-)



PS: Thanks for the translation :P

Re: Update released

PostPosted: Tue 9. Dec 2014, 12:29
by blabla155

What about the French serveur ?
he's always offline :cry:

Re: Update released

PostPosted: Tue 9. Dec 2014, 12:37
by st0rm
Wooohoooo, the update is here!! Thank you, Uiqua, fantastic work!!


Re: Update released

PostPosted: Tue 9. Dec 2014, 12:49
by Uiqua
We are still working on the french server. So latest it will be online again at 3 o'clock pm (CET) :-)

Re: Update released

PostPosted: Tue 9. Dec 2014, 13:47
by Uiqua
The French server is also online now :-)

Re: Update released

PostPosted: Wed 10. Dec 2014, 06:24

Speaking as an old player onthis server, almost 2 years, I must say that some of the items inthe new upgrade upset me.

Up until the most recent update - to do level 172 in the Labyrinth you needed to have 190532 combined Mech/Army strength to get the dark green green " threat".

Currently I have reduced to 128732 for level 172 and It still shows Dark Green.

SO that is at least a 60000 point drop.
ANd I still don't know how far it will drop before it turns to a light green it could go either way message.
This is the 2nd time the Labyrinth point requirements have dropped since the first months of the game.
I think it is not fair.

EXAMPLE. - pRIOR TO this upgrade if you had 128732 points you could only get to Level 109 of the Labyrinth.
Now you can get to level 171, or 62 levels higher, with the same combine army/Mech points - or an additional 444650000
experience points... yes, about 55,000,000 points short of level 25.
And yes, I know that I will also have the ability to gain points by the lowering of the requirements, but I really don't have much incentive since I am as high as one can go.. for now.

I think that the "easing" of the game, is in some ways a slap in the face to those of us who have struggled, waited, planned, and got to level 25 or get to heroic dungeons, or get to the Labyrinth level above 50.

I understand that some things must change. BUt I sit here and look and think, "Heck, with all the "new" gear, and lowering the Labyrinth requirements, the next crop of players will only have had to work HALF as hard as those of us who have already reached level 25.".
I mean,now, you're gonna have lots of people able to reach level 25 without much work. Be nice to have some sort of NOTE attached to our names saying "We did it the hard way."

Redles reached L25 , february 23, 2014 - the first on this server. over a year of playing, about 14 months
Antyhiggs reached L25 on or about April 7, 2014 - NOt sure how ling he had been playing
Pangloss and I on or about APril 18, 2014 reach L25
ionut675 and st0rm on or about August 12, 2014 reach L25
Woepsie - on or about September 18, 2014 reaches L25
D11M - on or about October 20, 2014 reaches L25
Coldfinger - November 26, 2014
ANd two days ago, Dutchie reaches the top.

Those are the 10 who in two years of the game being open, reached the top.
I will be interested to see how many, with this new lowering of standards and expectations, will reach the level.
I expect to see it double by the end of January.
(there are 166 on the German Server - this will also be interesting to watch - I may have another L25 as my German Server Evil Lord, as he can probably go 100 dungeons easily now

I hope the next upgrade will favor us senior players. More levels would be nice.
If you want to dumb down the game more, you could make that last Boss fight achievable at 100,000 combined Mech/Army strength.
Chapter 4 , 5, 6, 7. 8.9.10 might be nice...


I will probably keep on playing, as I have a lot of time in DOE.

But I hope folks will look at retention of us old guys and gals by giving us something to do besides make ore, leather, wood...


Re: Update released

PostPosted: Mon 15. Dec 2014, 20:56
by woepsie
I guess it the same as WoW. lvl60 used to be tough, but with all expansions it's easy to get to now (I think, i quit some years ago). So there should be some new way of showing off. A new Hall of Fame (like the guilds have) would be cool.

But i like the update, with the new potions, and the "nerfing" of the Maritimers. Thanks Cellar Children (as i think Uiqua&co are called on the German forum)!