Competition Update

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Competition Update

Postby Uiqua » Tue 14. Apr 2020, 09:32

Greetings dark rulers,

we have just released the new competition update. Here you will find all the changes that the update contains:

From now on there are always 2 competitions per month.

PvE competitions

This is the normal competition that you all know already. Basically, nothing changes here. These competitions always run from the 1st to the 8th of a month.

However, the competitions now always start at midnight and end at 10 p.m. on the expiry day. The winnings will then also be distributed at midnight on the expiry day.

The reason for the new times is that from now on all competitions run automatically. So far, we always had to start and bill the competitions manually.

PvP competitions

As previously announced, this is about winning as many PvP duels as possible during the competition. For each fight won, the player receives 1 scalp. Whoever has the most scalps in their possession has won the competition. If you lose a fight, no scalp will be removed!

These competitions always run from the 15th to the 22nd of a month.

Here, too, the competitions always start at midnight and end at 10 p.m. on the expiry day. The winnings will then also be distributed at midnight on the expiry day.

Competition dealer

We messed up the competition dealer and gave him some new goods and units, so that the bigger players have more incentive to take part in competitions.

Hall of Fame

In the Hall of Fame you can now find the ranking for the competitions. Unfortunately, it was technically not possible for us to include the previous competition winners in these statistics.

After each competition, the Hall of Fame is automatically updated and both the PvE and PvP competitions apply.


Please don't pin us on a release date now, but we have the following planned for you in the foreseeable future:

Deity, sequel to story quest, new dungeons, new building, transmutation

You won't find out more at first ;-) Except that we will release everything one by one.


If you don't see certain units (pictures), please press Ctrl + F5 on your keyboard.

Definitely have fun with the new update and please stay healthy!

Best wishes
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