From now on the guild update is online on the French server

What the update contains, you can see here:
New demon shrine
So that you and your guilds will not be bored, we have implemented a second demon shrine in the game. Here, too, the necessary goods are to be procured for the incantation.
Guilds that have not yet finished the first demon shrine can switch between the two shrines, having the possibility of delivering goods at the same time.
Since there are also special titles for players and guilds in the successful construction of the new demon shrine, we now have 3 different variations:
Names for the construction of the demon shrine 1; Names for the construction of the demon shrine 2; Names when both shrines were built
These rewards are waiting for you when you have built the 2nd demon shrine:
+ 10,000,000 guild points
+ Guild title
+ 4 units "Orc Illusionist" in the guild army
+ Complete map set for each player
As long as you are a member of the guild:
+ Player title
+ Bloodthirst fills up automatically for each player in the guild
- 5 min shorter fortress fights for each player in the guild
+ 5% production speed for each player in the guild
New unit at the Guild Merchant
Since then, the unit "Verdandi" could be given over from the guild to single players, so now also the new unit "Nightshade" here to purchase for guild honor.
Ticket Event
Up to and including July, 23rd 2017 there is also our summer ticket event. Again, it is necessary to collect tickets to exchange them for elementary, rare equipment and units during the event.
As with any update,
If you can not see some of the graphics immediately, press the F5 key or, if it has not helped, use the key combination Ctrl + F5 on your keyboard.
Then there is only left to say that we wish you a lot of fun with the update and a nice weekend

Best regards