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Evil Valentine

PostPosted: Tue 14. Feb 2017, 14:12
by Uiqua
Hi everyone,

as you already know we have Valentine's Days today. Although this topic doesn't really fit to a bloodthirsty overlord we still have an Valentine's Day event four you ;-)

From February, 14th until February, 28nd you all have the possibility to flatter your allies or to pacify your opponents by sending them a present.

There are different types of presents included where you can give away a priest or a mechanic for example.

We wish you all much fun with the event and also a nice Valentine's Day :-)



Re: Evil Valentine

PostPosted: Tue 14. Feb 2017, 14:49
by blabla155
Hello Uiqua, the french has a lot of bug dur to special caractere, could you investigate ?

Re: Evil Valentine

PostPosted: Tue 14. Feb 2017, 19:33
by StefDeLEnrilise
Des bugs, il y en a plusieurs ce mardi 14 février soir.

Mes âmes ont disparu du récapitulatif de mes ressources.

Et je ne peux pas lancer plusieurs productions : ni crabe, ni poisson, ni poisson séché, ni statues, ni cruches, ni tablettes de pierre, ni acier militaire...
Je peux néanmoins produire des beignets de crabe, des betteraves, de l'eau de vie, du cuir, des masques de bronze...

Accessoirement, mon butin comporte une part plus importante que d'habitude d' articles fantômes (point d'interrogation dans un carré).

Re: Evil Valentine

PostPosted: Tue 14. Feb 2017, 21:01
by Pathos61
Mes âmes figurent dans mon inventaire, mais ne sont pas utilisables. J'ai reçu des élémentaires inutilisables. Et pareil pour les productions, certaines sont impossibles.
Sinon je ne peux plus utiliser le poisson séché pour le moral de mon armée, donc la prêtresse ne le fait pas, je dois rajouter des beignets de crabe moi même.

Re: Evil Valentine

PostPosted: Wed 15. Feb 2017, 08:11
by blabla155
il est évident qu'il manque un outil info gérant les polices françaises au niveau du texte généré. Tous les mots avec accent sont mal écrit.

Re: Evil Valentine

PostPosted: Wed 15. Feb 2017, 08:22
by Uiqua
Sorry for the bug! We have fixed that issue now.

Re: Evil Valentine

PostPosted: Wed 15. Feb 2017, 08:31
by Pathos61
Thank you Uiqua, nice and fast job !

Re: Evil Valentine

PostPosted: Wed 15. Feb 2017, 08:36
by blabla155
Thanks for the fix uiqua,
Now, what do we do with bugged items ?

Re: Evil Valentine

PostPosted: Wed 15. Feb 2017, 17:07
by Orience
Uiqua, please check your mail ASAP, some players have lost a load of souls.


Ça va me prendre du temps parce que je suis hyper occupée IRL en ce moment mais je vais répertorier tous les problèmes connus sur le serveur français et je les communiquerai à Uiqua. Je sais pour les âmes perdues et pour les accents, ainsi que les objets buggés. Autre chose ?

Re: Evil Valentine

PostPosted: Wed 15. Feb 2017, 17:37
by Uiqua
Hello everyone,

first of all we'd like to say that we feel deeply sorry for those bugs that have appeared!

The problem was that yesterday in the afternoon the French server received an update from our hosting agency which we didn't know. So we saw those occuring errors first this morning.

We now fixed the accent bug and also credited the missing souls manually.

But unfortunately we had to delete all of the produced items with wrong accents and aren't able to restore them. If we would do this it would end in a complete mess because then you would have those items twice in your inventory.

Once again we have to apologize and thank you very much for your understanding.

Best regards,
