Russian server bugs

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Russian server bugs

Postby D11M » Sun 21. Dec 2014, 12:28

Hey,this is regarding the russian server and is meant for Uiqua so please reply after you read it.

First of all i posted some bugs list that still haven't been worked out for the russian server the post was in july and you said it will be fixed on the next patch but there were no patches there since the server started.The server still didn't got any update neither the recycle or the guild upgrade,legendary units and so on the only thing that get's there is the discount to buy souls.

On the forum there is no mod or admin watching it so people complain about bugs and glitches in vain.

here's the link to my previous post:


I've sent you PM in october and still didn't got a reply to it guess your inbox was full so here is the PM so you can read it:

"Hi,i posted some bugs and things a while ago about the Russian server but nothing changed there.Is that server forgoten or it just takes a lot of time to fix it? The server still didn't get the recent updates as well and doesn't get the ticket events running as well :(

There are some new problems as well there is a player "starik75" is his in game name.I have no idea how or if he cheated the game but in rankings he takes around 100 spots and his army is more than 100 units.He applied to join my guild there and if he joins in,our guild slots change from 35/50 availeble to 142/50.Not sure if he is a cheater or there is a bug in game with him.

And finally i saw a link in game telling that you can download something to help cheat the game from this link :*****

Not sure what is there since i didn't try it out but i think you should check it."

P.S. since it's not in PM now but in public i changed the last 5 symbols to the link to the cheat just in case if you need the full one i can send you another PM with it if you clear your inbox :D

And again no winter event for that server,not that they get any :/

If you don't plan to work on it i can understand it and just skip playing that server but if it's because you lack translations for events/updates i can translate them for free for you to implement the code.Also if you don't plan to dump that server maybe to make a part for the russian server in here as well as you did with the french server since there is no sense in having a separate forum there if no one watches it.There are other bugs there as well but i'll make a list only if someone actually wants to fix them. :geek:
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