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Chapter 2 - Quest 19:The right key

PostPosted: Tue 27. May 2014, 12:12
by Dutchie
I have now 59493 total stat points.

Mages' tower

The tower rises from the swamp, looking no different than from your first visit. You immediately order your henchmen to set up camp. Who knows how long the necromancer will need to break down the force field protecting the tower?

Your oracle beseeches the gods for guidance and receives the follow prophecy:
Avoid this place if you wish to avoid certain doom.

The oracle should be Dark Green..but it's red.

I also noticed, if I go to Actions ---> Story quests ( where I get that discription ) and I click again on Story Quests there, I got directed to Actions / Dungeons. The Forgotten mountains is Dark green there, so no problems there.

Is this all a bug in a update ?

Re: Chapter 2 - Quest 19:The right key

PostPosted: Tue 27. May 2014, 13:27
I show that C2-Q19 turns at 59,953
(So you're about 400 points short on that part)

But you say it's still red, which seems strange, because it _should_ be at least medium green.

WE had this problem with C2-Q20 about 6 months ago....

Re: Chapter 2 - Quest 19:The right key

PostPosted: Wed 28. May 2014, 13:23
by Dutchie
I just upgrade my army a bit, and it's still red at 61614 :cry:

Re: Chapter 2 - Quest 19:The right key

PostPosted: Wed 28. May 2014, 15:19
Yeah, that sounds like a glitch.

Uiqua will have to fix it.

Re: Chapter 2 - Quest 19:The right key

PostPosted: Thu 29. May 2014, 14:49
by Uiqua
Hello Dutchie,

the bug should now be fixed. So you can go ahead with the quest :-)



Re: Chapter 2 - Quest 19:The right key

PostPosted: Thu 29. May 2014, 16:14
by Dutchie
Yes it's fixed !

Got a dark green on it now :)

Thanks very much !

Have fun !