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Silver coin icon broken

PostPosted: Thu 8. May 2014, 18:36
by Kagen
Here you can all marvel at a line of my trophy case.

However, my silver coin looks like it looks. More or less not there like it should.

Before the end of competition I looked through some shelves and the silver coins of those players looked just like mine does. I though it had loading problems, but I guess not. Everything else is visible good.

Please fix this. I want to marvel at my coin!

Re: Silver coin icon broken

PostPosted: Fri 9. May 2014, 09:25
by st0rm
Gold coin picture also not shown and I am guessing this is valid for any other trophy from the competition.


Re: Silver coin icon broken

PostPosted: Fri 9. May 2014, 10:08
by Uiqua
Hello everyone,

sorry about that bug! We fixed it and now you all can stare at your trophies :-)



Re: Silver coin icon broken

PostPosted: Fri 9. May 2014, 12:54
by st0rm
Yessss, it's there, I can see it :shock:

Re: Silver coin icon broken

PostPosted: Fri 9. May 2014, 13:55
by Kagen
Ah, thank you very much! Sieht gut aus :)