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PostPosted: Tue 14. May 2013, 00:50
by rancor9999
A simple fix, should read Contracts you sent that were not accepted, not we not accepted in trade, contracts.
Contracts you sent that we not accepted.

Re: Typo

PostPosted: Tue 14. May 2013, 09:07
by Uiqua
Hi Rancor,

damn translator - i knew it was a mistake to give him something to drink out of the rain barrel... Never ever be too good-natured to your employees :twisted:

Just kidding - we fix it during the next update :-)



Re: Typo

PostPosted: Tue 18. Jun 2013, 18:58
by woepsie
I found a little typo when i got a precious stone:

1st time:
Gold mine — precious stone found
2nd time:
Gold mine — precious stone found

I think the translator has a relapse. You sure he is off the barrel? Or maybe he is after revenge...


Re: Typo

PostPosted: Wed 19. Jun 2013, 20:42
by woepsie
A similar one, it's in the Troll Market:

"The merchandise on offer is overpriced, but always available – a major benefit in a pinch."

EDIT: The – is cropping up everywhere. Is it the game, my browser or a lowhearted scheme of my enemies?