Lazy Imp

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Lazy Imp

Postby DiannaDark » Tue 12. Nov 2013, 23:11

DemonArtist in Hawk's Guild has an Imp that won't work.

I am worried the rest of the Imps will feel if he can get away with it, it may become epidemic.

The next thing we know they will form unions.

We need to put a stop to this type behavior.

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Re: Lazy Imp

Postby woepsie » Tue 12. Nov 2013, 23:58

Haha, this gives me an idea about a "bonusdaily", appearing every once in a while, in stead of a normal daily:

One of your imps got his hands on a book by a guy called Marcks or something, and has been behaving in odd ways. For example, he has been trying to grow a beard. It is even rumoured that he used the word "union" in public. You give the case some thought and come up with 4 ways to deal with this:

1. Cut off his tongue, just to be sure.
2. Cut off his head, just to be sure.
3. Find out who taught the imp to read.
4. Send him to work with Gendy, and hope the rumour is true.

Possible outcomes:
1. You are very pleased with yourself: your minions now have a reminder of who's boss. Too bad their tiny minds have such a short memory, and the effect will be only temporary. (+1% production bonus for the remainder of the day)
2. Oh no, now you've done it! You created a martyr, you silly amateur. Being Evil is not only about being brutal, but also about being subtle. Now it will take some effort to get your imps back in line. (-1% production for the remainder of the day)
3. Outraged, you demand your torturers to find out who is responsible for this. After 5 minutes they return. You raise an inquisitive eyebrow. And then the terrible truth hits you. Remember that drunken evening in the guild tavern, where you got into a bragging contest about who has the best workers? Yup, you made a bet you could teach your imps how to read and tried to prove it right away. Apparently you succeeded. Since punishing yourself would be silly, you order the execution of the torturers. (-3 imps)
4. Giggling, Gloating and Guffawing you send the imp on his way. You feel all warm and fuzzy inside, could this be what they call "happiness"? Now all that remains is a little patience. Life is good. (a week later: Gendy loses all his imps and automatically drops out of top10)
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Re: Lazy Imp

Postby D11M » Wed 13. Nov 2013, 04:27

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Re: Lazy Imp

Postby GYNDE » Thu 14. Nov 2013, 02:56

"having tried to let Woepsie catch up, Gendy yawns and buys another 2000 imps - puts 1750 of them to work 24x7 and uses the other 250 for purposes to vile to speak of here."

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