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Grant for Training College

PostPosted: Sun 29. Dec 2019, 18:02
by DiannaDark

I hereby and therefore, without jurisdiction, with due malice and aforethought, do license and bequeath ability of each assigned Captain and/or Captain of his own ability and appointment, to designate and present and control on/in "This and That" a " NAP Guild Blackboard" for a new "The Ninja Academy of Pirates", or a separate Blackboard to be named by such Captain to assist players of the game of less than Level 10 to reach Level 10 or whatever Level such students wish.

Such new blackboard should be free of the trappings, emotions, drama, art, and such other useless encumberments that may or may not exist on the original NAP Guild Blackboard, if so wished by the Captain and such First mates or other such Officials of said college, and could be designated for the control of one particular Guild with all Captains, First Mates, and officers of said college from that one Guild , or officials from all Guilds, and such college would supply help and information as determined by the Leadership of such college to such a group of players, miscreants, and/or pirates in the Game on the English Server or other such servers. This unauthorized Grant can be extended and used on other Servers to create such a college on any of the other Servers. Such a college would not be useful on such Servers where Expansions, Upgrades, or Events do not exist - like the Brazil Server.

I would be available as First Mate, Counselor, or other such officer of said college, such involvement may not be desired by the Leader of such a new college or Thread, if that be the case, I would not find the time or inclination to read or comment in such a Thread if created.

Have fun in my game and on my Forum.

It's a Pirate's Life for me.