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Re: I am Naked on this page.

Postby TheRedNeck » Wed 5. Mar 2014, 07:23

so are you guys enjoying the winter weather in arkansas?hehe probably cant even buy winter tires there can ya :lol: we get a reprive from the 2weeks of -30c crapola,we have a chinook rolling in :D chinook=a weather phenom that only happens here,its the warm pacific air comes over the rockies from vancouver and drops right down on top of calgary and jacks up the temp from the low -20s up to like +10 or more.and it happens in a matter of hours,yippie t-shirt weather muhaha.but i brings with it 30-50 mph winds lets fly a kite in the winter hehe. :lol:
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Re: I am Naked on this page.

Postby DiannaDark » Thu 6. Mar 2014, 04:43

10°C is equal to 50°F, I am hoping it will be that warm tomorrow. Possibly all the ice and snow will melt off tomorrow.

The roads finally cleared and we were able to get milk and the things we were out of and the electricity didn't even go off this time. I hate it when it does that, we have a couple of gas stoves we light for heat, but it isn't like central heating. We burn candles and kerosene lamps for light, but it is like living in the stone ages. I don't like it. It is so boring.

During the day you can read a book.

The batteries in the Kendal, laptop, and DS go out after a while.

No wonder the life expectancy was about 50 in the cowboy days, they were bored to death.

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Re: I am Naked on this page.

Postby TheRedNeck » Thu 6. Mar 2014, 08:21

hahaha,you kill me,i know it can be pretty serious in areas that dont usually get this kinda weather on a regular basis.we deal with it all the time year after year after decade :Pand it messes shit up here too,we learned a long time ago to bury our water pipes deep below the frost line and still they break once in a while and cause chaos,and we run most of our power lines and telecommunication lines under ground,that stops a lot of power outage problems,except in really old neighbourhoods.its much more pleasing to the eye as well,no rats nest of power lines criss crossing everywhere you hardly ever see them :)) the hottest it ever gets here is a hair above +30c in summer,its to much for me i dont like it much over 23-25c thats perfect for me :))and over 30c is a really rare occasion ,but -30 to -40c this is a regular thing and let me tell you i sure does get old after a while,you can only stay in so much,drink so much beer,watch so much hockey,then cabin fever starts setting in muhaha MUHAHA MUHAHA
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Re: I am Naked on this page.

Postby DiannaDark » Fri 7. Mar 2014, 00:14

Hopefully the winter is about over here.

In April it will be, but we may get some more horrible weather before that.

In the middle of the Summer, in July and August, sometimes it is very hot here and dry sometimes, but hot weather is't so bad.

We have lakes and water to get into, practically every where we have shade, and we try to stay inside in the hottest parts of the day.

I am never going to like cold weather, ice, and snow.

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Re: I am Naked on this page.

Postby TheRedNeck » Fri 7. Mar 2014, 16:06

ahhh its not that bad,theres ice fishing and skiing,and toboganing ,and snow mobiling and every house built has central heating,and snowball fights and skating and hockey,and beer .its all just a matter of ones environment when ya grow up in ya know what i mean :)) its not so bad when you have the clothes for it,and its fun doin doughnuts in the mall parking lot with the car hehe :lol: but sometimes i think it might be nice to live where they dont get ice and snow,it gets trying on ones nerves alway wearing heavy clothes at work or to go to the mall but its not like we live in igloos or anything like that :D its really just a general pain in the ass :? we like to say we only have 2 seasons,construction and winter hehe :roll:
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Re: I am Naked on this page.

Postby TheRedNeck » Fri 7. Mar 2014, 19:18

you know the call canada the great white north but in all reality i have seen the weather paterns changing drastically over the last 30yrs or so.when i was a kid we got tonnes of snow but now a days we dont really get that much,just the cold temps.the NE united states gets way more snow then we do now and the south seems to be getting nailed big time much much more then they ever used to.hmm can we say global warming(climate change) :(
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Re: I am Naked on this page.

Postby DiannaDark » Fri 7. Mar 2014, 21:00

I am looking for somewhere to donate money to or thinking of starting a fund to get something done with this Global Warming thing.

Can't we get it to kick into high gear.

It's freezing here.

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Re: I am Naked on this page.

Postby TheRedNeck » Sat 8. Mar 2014, 00:07

haha ya right,the warming part of the equation is the problem,thats what causes the next ice age,or massive flood,and all the wicked storms 1 after the other,now alberta use to be tropical during the days of the dinosaurs but i dont think i want that back :mrgreen:
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Re: I am Naked on this page.

Postby DiannaDark » Sat 8. Mar 2014, 03:43

I figured out what happened to the dinosaurs.

The dinosaurs couldn't survive in our Atmosphere.

They were part of this huge traveling circus these Aliens had and they set up local circuses all over the globe.

Then the dinosaurs, their best act died off, they quit making money, so they loaded up all their stuff and left.

They left those dinosaurs all over the globe, no evolution into new types of huge dragons or beasts, because they didn't evolve, they just died off, due to our horrible atmosphere.

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Re: I am Naked on this page.

Postby Azmeera » Sat 8. Mar 2014, 04:14

Well, there are a number of theories as to what caused the dinosaurs' extinction, but I believe most scientists lean towards one of two current hypotheses: either something huge from space (like an asteroid, comet, or meteorite) impacted into Earth or there was a massive burst of volcano activity. What those two theories have in common in that they both end up with the atmosphere filled with debris (ash, dust, dirt, etc.), which would have choked off sunlight and killed off a lot of plant life. Even once the atmosphere cleared, with no plants to help exchange the carbon dioxide for oxygen the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would have skyrocketed. The more CO2 there is in the atmosphere, the more of the sun's light is reflected back to the Earth (and the less escapes back out into space), so the Earth's temperature rises. Significantly. So almost freaking everything on the planet died from lack of sun (which if it was a plant, it needed to make food), or lack of food (either because it was a plant-eater or ate plant-eaters, which died out), or it died because the temperature increased and massive climate change occurred.

The scary thing about this is that when we talk about global warming today, we're essentially talking about humans doing things (like burning fossil fuels) that create more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to the point where it is bringing about climate change at a faster rate than would occur naturally. So.... yeah. We may be doing the same thing that killed off the dinosaurs to ourselves. And we mocked them for their puny brains!

And like redneck said, it's quite possibly that what you're seeing is a result of global warming. As the temperature rises, the ice melts, there's more moisture in the atmosphere, which results in bigger, badder storms. The changing temps also cause weather patterns to shift. The intense cold in the US this winter has primarily been caused by the Jet Stream dipping very low to the south, which has pulled down polar air from the north. So while overall the global temperature is rising, what you see in any one place is climate change and often more extreme weather.

Does that make sense? More importantly, are you still awake?
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